Thursday, March 27, 2008

The hardest working piece in my wardrobe

I'm a terribly scattered person. Between managing a home, changing diapers, running carpool, organizing playdates and figuring out what to make for dinner, I can look like I was run over by a Mack truck at the end of the day. However, I have found that getting dressed in the morning makes all the difference, and here's the one piece that will help you look like you've got it all under control: a denim pencil skirt. I promise, it will change your life.

Stay with me here.

A denim skirt is comfortable to wear, especially as the temperatures get warmer. It can take you from school to the park and home again. It's classic, doesn't wrinkle and, if you choose a nice dark wash, it does a pretty good job hiding stains.

Let's talk about length for a second. Because length is key.

Option #1:

Don't do this to yourself unless you're 18, not my daughter and have great legs. I have three people that call me "Mommy" at home, so for me, this ship has sailed. A long time ago.
Option #2:

This is too long, hits at the widest part of your calves and makes you look heavier than you really are. 'Nough said.

Option #3:

Hits right around the knee, sits just below the waist, perfect all the way around. It takes no more effort (in fact it's easier) to throw this on instead of a pair of capris or sweats. I add a t-shirt, a lightweight cardigan and a pair of ballet flats. I'm dressed in five minutes and, though the reality is usually very different, I end up looking like I have my act somewhat together.

And friends, when you're fighting the frump, looking the part is half the battle.

For more frump-fighting ideas, head on over to Fussy's place!


  1. TY for the reminder. I need a new denim skirt, although I have to go a bit below the knee or right at the knee.

  2. I don't think I could EVER do Option 1! Not even in high school years....
    I despise Option 2. Uhg.....too long for me.
    I'm lovin Option 3. Very stylish.

  3. I agree! I love wearing skirts out and about. Cool, comfortable and you feel good.

  4. Great tip! I was planning on looking for some skirts to wear this summer for just the same reason. No reason to advertise that I have nothing under control, least of all my three little ones!

  5. Hmmmm . . . I like it. BUT . . . not the easiest when I'm changing TWO kids' diapers on the floor. I guess I could actually climb the 14 steps to go up to Baby's room to use the changing table instead of using my makeshift diaper station on the family room floor (and, yes, for any visitors -- I DO use a blanket and/or changing pad, so don't worry about walking on my carpet! On second thought, I haven't vacuumed in a while, so perhaps you DO need to worry about walking on my carpet!)
    Anyway, I love your Stacy London-esque critique on the inappropriate skirt length.

    And hey -- don't be too hard on yourself! People reading this who don't know you might actually think you're a frumpy mom. so little do they know . . . :)

    -Lori H

  6. Very nice! This can might be a very good option for me.

  7. I need a denim skirt too...and I've fought the same problem - what length...

    Your blog is GORGEOUS! You look like you have it together girl! RAWK ON!

  8. Here here! Skirts and dresses are so easy!!!

  9. Cute idea! Denim skirts rock!

    I would have to go a little longer than Option 3, but not quite as long as Option 2.

    I love the dark denim color on skirts - Very classy!

  10. I love skirts, and the hot places we've lived (Cairo, Florida, steamy NYC in August), I LIVE in skirts at times. Great with a pair of flipflops.

    But I think the best length/style is one that hits just below the knee and flares a bit, just for some manueverability. Can't be worrying all day that it's creeping up, ya know?

    Good call on the mid-calf length!

  11. i wish i could carry this off. unfortunately, they dont make that sort of thing for petite women. the appropriate length looks like boat waders or something on me...

  12. Ok, the anser to your question is. I like the polyester, rayon, spandex blend. It gives you just enough give, but it also looks good allday. It hold its shape well and doesn't look wrinkled. I would be careful with the cotton because of the fading, wrinkling, and the droopiness you might get in the bottom area after wearing them all day. So probably if you find a nice black pair that is a heavier cotton blend that might work better. More like a khaki feel.

  13. (So now today you had me spend quite a lot of time on Fussy's site...)
    Seriously? You wear SKIRTS? By choice? I suppose it IS warmer where you are, but still. Don't you feel, um, exposed when you are required to bend, squat, lift? I agree that looking good helps you feel good, but I think skirts would be too much of an upgrade from my yoga (they're-NOT-sweatpants) pants.

  14. I love the skirt! Good idea.

    Great header design!

  15. This is genius. I am planning on skirt pushing next week. It is a hard transition, but once it is made it feels so much better! Love the skirt.

  16. oh man, i've never thought of a denim skirt! i will definetly go out and get one now! will let you know how that worked out!


  17. Great minds think alike, I wrote about skirts this week too. Good point about the length - for me some of it depends on the style and fabric of the skirt though. Sometimes I like them a little longer just so I don't have to be as careful to be modest.
