Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Help with Handwashing

We began potty training my son back in November. Since then, he's become pretty proficient and has even been managing solo trips. The one sticking point, however, has been hand washing. It's not that he can't (or won't) wash his hands -- it's that he's too short (even with a stool) to turn on the spigot by himself. This turned into a full-fledged problem when he went through the "Potty Fascination Stage" of using the toilet several times a day. I was spending a lot of time helping him wash his hands.

Well, we have found the path to self empowerment. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the humble pool noodle. Cut the noodle so it measures around 12 inches in length. (It's important that you use a noodle that has a hole in the middle.) Then, place the noodle onto the spigot.

Viola! You have easily extended the reach of the spigot, while also ensuring that your child can control the temperature and water flow.

Of course, you could also just buy a taller stool! :)
For more great ideas, head on over to Shannon's place!


  1. SO smart! Now if I could figure out how to keep them from getting water All Over The Counter, life would be sweet :>)

  2. I have two noodles laying around that I was wondering what to do with. Thanks, great idea!

  3. What a clever idea! I'll definitely be passing this on to other mamas I know!

  4. I just spent a REALLY long time checking out all the WFMW tips. What a fun site! I really need to turn off the computer and rejoin the real world. (Love your noodle idea, btw.)

  5. LOL! that's brilliant! i wonder if i still have that noodle somewhere....
