Thursday, April 3, 2008

Baring My Sole...

After I hit a certain age, I began noticing that my feet were not staying as soft and supple as they had been in the halcyon days of my youth. I remember looking down toward my toes one morning and thinking, "When did that happen?" The skin was dry. My heels were cracked. My feet looked old.

So, I did what I'm assuming most people do -- I went on with my life. I mean, I have kids. I don't have time for weekly pedicures and -- if I'm going to spend the money for a pedicure it will be at the height of summer when everyone else can enjoy it too, thankyouverymuch.

A few weeks ago, however, my husband said, "Wow. Your feet are really dry." This is when I knew the foot situation was serious. My husband never notices things like that, so clearly, I had a problem. I started digging under my bathroom sink and pulled out an unopened jar of Bath and Body Works Heel of Approval lotion that had been given to me a year ago as a hint gift. I began slathering it on my feet every night before bed and then putting on a pair of cotton socks while I slept. After doing that for a couple weeks, I began to see results. The cracked, dry heels were gone. My feet felt softer. They looked great.

Now, if you're planning on giving this "Fight the Frump" tip a try, you don't need to use the particular brand I did. But, you do need to use a lotion that has an alpha hydroxy acid in it, such as lactic acid or glycolic acid, which will really help get rid of the dry skin.

Once your feet are back to looking fabulous, go ahead and paint your toenails a crazy new color. I always go for a pale pink, but while cruising the aisles of CVS the other night, I stumbled upon this:

That's Wet n' Wild "Deep Wine" -- and a flying leap out of my comfort zone. But I bought it, went home and painted my toenails. And I must say, the results have me feeling decidedly un-frumpy -- even a little sassy -- these days.

For more Fight the Frump Tips, head on over to Fussy's place!


  1. I wonder if coconut oil would work? Thats what mine is about and it says it works wonders on the skin and stuff.

  2. I love Burt's Bees products for my feet. They also work wonders. Now, if I would just take the time to use them.

  3. My 6yo daughter is my official foot lotion applier. Haha! She loves it, and my feet thank her.

  4. I think I have some of that stuff that I received as a gift - I need to give it a try!!

  5. I have been wanting to try their heel of approval products. I have a serious obsession with their true blue spa "look ma, new hands" hand lotion. OMG it's to die for!!!!

    Thanks for reminding me again about the heel of approval - getting to be tha time of the year again - the snow is "almost" gone from our yard.

  6. I so very much love a pedicure!!! I take Tai Chi every week so I always make an effort to ensure my piggies are pretty otherwise I fear I would be self conscious.

    Got your note about the water and the sweet tea... to give yourself a break from plain water try making some iced green tea sweetened with just a bit of honey - sweet tea is loaded with sugar (or sweetners) and will also make your teeth dingy! :)

  7. Thanks for the comment AND the advice - I really appreciate it!

  8. I do that and use the Ped Egg on my feet. It is so great. Although you have to be careful not to be a dummy like me and shave off too much skin. I was limping around for a week.
