Saturday, April 19, 2008

Do-It-Yourself Artwork

I’ve had a blank canvas sitting in my craft room forever. Well, not really forever. Just since Christmas. It was supposed to be a decoupage project featuring my children’s artwork. I was going to give it to my husband as a Christmas gift that would brighten up the barren walls of his office. But, Christmas was busy. I think I’ve mentioned, a few thousand times, I got the flu. So, my craftiness took a backseat to my feeling like I was going to die. And, I realized that most of the kids’ artwork was done in marker, which will run if you spread decoupage glue over the top of it. Details.

So, I’ve been stuck with this canvas and absolutely no idea what to do with it. I did recall seeing a few of those “create your own” artwork projects on HGTV, but I never paid close attention to them. I didn't trust myself to tackle a project like that -- I am no artist. If I do anything crafty (scrapbooking included here), I need an example or a guide. Thus, I was thrilled when BooMama referenced this post of hers from a while back. It was just the inspiration I needed.

So, without further ado, I present my first (and most likely, only) art installation. I call it – "My Husband Loves Me Enough to Stare at This All Day."

Now, you may have noticed that the project grew from one canvas to three. That's because the first canvas was painted from a horizontal perspective, but actually looked better hung vertical. That left more space to fill, so I purchased two more canvases to make a triptych (Notice how I sling around the art jargon with such ease? Obviously, I was becoming overly confident in my artistic abilities). So really, all three are supposed to go together, with the tree one in the middle. But, it turned out the wall wasn't as big as it seemed in my mind. So we split 'em up.

They won't win any awards, but it was a fun project to do. And for a cost of about $12 a picture (that's three poster-size painted canvases), my husband does not have to stare at blank walls all day.

Of course, he may really prefer the blank walls. But he's sweet enough to indulge me in my Jackson Pollock moment. Just one of the many reasons I love that man.


  1. i'm no artist... but the color combo looks great!

  2. Thanks for stopping by and linking to your page. These paintings are beautiful! You did a great job!
