Wednesday, April 23, 2008

"Five Classes I Wish They Would Have Taught in School"

I've been tagged for a Meme by the lovely Mah-Meeee over at Raising A&C. She wants to know the five classes I wish they would have taught in school. Well, here goes...

I always felt that my college education prepared me fairly well for the jobs I ended up taking. Journalism is the type of degree that demands a lot of "on the job" experience, so by the time I hit the Real World I wasn't surprised by much.

But when I traded in my notebook and tape recorder for Motherhood, I found the learning curve to be a tad more steep. Oh, to have been able to take a few courses prior to assuming the title of "Mommy." Being a mother is the best job I have ever had -- and I wouldn't trade one minute of it. But, looking back the following course load would have proven extremely helpful:

1. Tackling Your Everest -- How to climb to the top of the laundry pile and stay there.

2. The Old Grey Mare -- Understanding your post-pregnancy body

3. The Multitasking Driver -- How to pass the sippy cup, change the CD and negotiate sibling squabbles while getting to your destination safely. (This course would include the optional 1/2 credit elective, Keeping it Clean: Preventing the minivan from turning into a dumpster on wheels)

4. Sleep Deprivation 101 -- Learning to Get by on Less, followed by Sleep Deprivation 201 -- Why Caffeine is Your Friend

5. The Art of the 5-minute Shower -- How to shampoo, condition, shave and maybe even wash a part or two before someone calls, "Mommy!" (this course would include timed trials)

EXTRA CREDIT: Iron Chef Practicum -- Concocting tasty and healthy dinner dishes featuring a single kid-friendly "secret ingredient," such as ketchup, ranch dressing or chicken nuggets.

And that's it! I'm going to turn around and tag:


GiBee at Kisses of Sunshine

Rules are your five classes and then tag some people. (Be sure to leave a comment at their blogs so they know they've been tagged!) Thanks for playing along!


  1. i loved all those 'classes'! i would totally take them all.

    i especially like the multitasking driver. however i know i will not get the elective half credit for keeping the car clean.

    also love the art of 5 minute shower. soooo true! i so miss those days of endless hot showers and time soaking in the tub!

    great post!!

  2. I would like to point out that I am definitely failing courses #1,#5and the extra credit. I do, however, proudly have a 4.0 in Sleep Deprivation 201. :)

  3. I'm all over it! Although, my classes may not be as creative and funny as yours were!!! Hopefully, I'll post by this afternoon, or possibly tomorrow.
