Thursday, April 10, 2008

Tackling the Hidden Frump

Have you ever noticed how we spend a good chunk of time dressing for people we don't know that well or don't see regularly? Maybe it's just me, but (for the most part) when I go to the grocery store, I try to look relatively put together. When I go to Bible study, I make sure I put on a little makeup, wear a nice outfit, whatever.

But today, I'm going to talk about the frump we expose our dearest loved ones to every day. Your spouse. Your kids. Your good friend who picks up your child for school every morning. Your cat. You might call it the "hidden" frump -- our pajamas and loungewear.

I hear the groans. I know what you're thinking. I am not proposing that we need to get all spiffed up just to kick around the house. I am not proposing that you don some uncomfortable evening wear just for the sake of looking good. But what do your pajamas look like? Do they flatter you? We spend all this time wondering if our daily clothes "work" for us and then don't give a second thought to the clothing the most imporant people in our life see us in every day.

Now, here's a confession. I have not been wearing flattering pajamas as of late. My excuse has been that it's chilly in the morning and I just want to be warm. I have been wearing a velour lounge suit that was bought for my grandmother. Oh, yes. You read that right. For those of you wondering, I'm 33.

Fortunately, Mother's Day is just around the corner. Every Mother's Day my sister and I exchange gifts and it's always the same each year -- a new pair of stylish p.j.s. (Somehow, I fell off the wagon with last year's stylish selection and switched to the velour number. But look out, ladies -- I'm turning over a new leaf!). I'm convinced that it is possible to be comfortable and still wear something that would make my huband think, "Wow, look at the beautiful woman I married." Even at 7 a.m.

There are a lot of pajama sets on sale at the moment. I did a little browsing and look what I found...

This set would be great for my sister:

I love this one:

Look at this pair:

And another option:

Frump Fighters, it's time for a pajama upgrade. Consider it a gift to the people you love.

For more frump-fighting tips, head on over to Fussy's place.


  1. Yes! My husband does end up bearing the brunt of my frumpiness. I totally agree with you on this one. Time for an upgrade. My issue is that, once the bra is off, none of my pjs cover "the girls" satisfactorily enuf and I have to throw a big sweatshirt on over them or risk getting questions from my boys. "What's poking out of your shirt, Mama?" Suggestions?

  2. As I sit her in a pair of sweats and my husband shirt. I really need to get some new PJ's. :\

  3. I'm totally with ya on this one. Sometimes I'll spend more on PJs than on regular clothes.

    I love QVC's Carole Hoachman brand.

  4. I found a pair of pj's from Victoria's Secret at a thrift store. But they were flannel, long pants and long sleeve. Maybe Victoria was having an off day? You're right though, need a jammie upgrade.

  5. I totally agree. I think I did my first every fight the frump post on pjs. I still resort to my frumpy ones sometimes, but I really try to have only nice ones to choose from. Really, does hubby want to carry with him all day the vision of me in my mis-matched, oversized pjs? I think NOT! :-)

  6. I heart wearing my pj’s around the house. I always try to look supa cute doing so! Lol
    I loved the last pair the most. Very cute.

  7. Oh no! I'm hiding shamefully and red-faced while reading. Do you have a camera into my life!?! I was just thinking how my poor husband really gets the worst of me!! It doesn't help when I'm nursing a 5-month-old drooling/spitty baby -- so my good shirts do NOT get used unless I want stains all over the shoulder! I DEFINITELY need some pj/loungewear upgrades!

    Hey - here's an idea for a future friday fight the frump post: a good-fitting bra! I know that it will be a while for me, because now I'm either in a nursing bra that makes me look huge, or a nursing tank. nothing flattering and nothing that "locks and loads" the girls.


  8. Cute pj's are a must! And there are so many good sales right now!

  9. My older sister is the one who inspired me to try to look good,even in PJ's! She always has adorable, flattering lounging-around wear. I finally got a clue and got some cute "around-the-house" wear. It really makes a difference in your attitude, and probably of those around you as well!

  10. Oh, you really hit the nail on the head with this one. I've been taking stock of my poor, sad PJs and thinking how much I need to get some nicer ones.

    Thanks for the great post. I LOVE the colors in your blog header. So beautiful! :)

  11. You give some great ideas on cute pj's! My hubby actually DID get me some pj's last year for mothers day... Can't exactly call 'em rated G though. Not that they're see through or anything like that! No, it just shows a LOT of chest.

    I have the same prob Kristen does with the ladies...! I've found that a tank top w a built-in bra helps some. still haven't found that magic 'AH-HA!'yet, though...

    Good luck to everyone Fighting the Frump - even in our sleep!!

  12. crap... i've been lounging around in oversize tshirts...

    i guess it's time to put on something less frumpy for the family!

    thanks for giving me some reason to shop, heeheehee. i think VS is having a sale!

  13. First, I wanted to say thanks for stopping by my little blog.

    Secondly, I am the queen of grandma's jammies. So sad. I'm jealous that you have a sister to exchange pjs with...I need to bring up that idea to my sister. I shudder at the thought of what she'll get me though!

  14. sounds like you are on the right track. My new favorite is the silky ones with the soft insides in the winter or the new super soft fuzzy pants. You can be stylish and comfortable!

  15. You really would not want to see me in my "jammies" or lounge clothing! Today I am wearing old sweats with a hole in the knee and an oversized tee.

    I think that I need to take your advice and get a few new pairs of jammies that can be worn around the house respectably!

  16. I'm searching for some pretty, yet practical jammies to wear after the baby comes. Nothing too nice, because they'll be wrecked by post-delivery issues, and nothing too difficult, because of nursing. But pretty. Womanly. Dare I say it - sexy?

  17. What a great challenge!! I totally do NOT buy pajamas for myself or my kids. The only time I buy pajamas for my kids is when they are going to have a pajama day at school. How horrible is that? I've always thought that a t-shirt and sweats was fine. I do own a frumpy night shirt and one silky set of pajamas that I don't like, so it's definitely time to splurge on at least one set, don't you think?

  18. I LET my hubby refresh my PJ drawer for Valentine's day this year. After being married for 12 years he picked the pretty little nothings sure, but he also picked comfy things that actually looked nicer than I would have picked our for myself. It was the best Valentine's gift for both of us :)

    GREAT reminder!
