Tuesday, May 20, 2008

I think this is what they call "drowning"

End of the school year looms.

Parties to plan.

Sick child to nurse to health.

Teething baby.

Appointments to reschedule.

Birthday gift to mail.

Toys strewn everywhere.

A son who wants to play rescue heroes.

A baby who would like to eat.

Carpool to run.

Kitchen to clean.

And you don't even want to see my laundry room.

My family would probably appreciate my undivided attention today.

See ya tomorrow.


  1. Sounds like my days... Don't forget to come up for a breath!

  2. go.

    we'll see ya later!

    don't forget to at least take a break every so often.

  3. Good for you to have your priorities straight!

  4. That sounds so familiar. Have a good day with the fam!

  5. Thanks for not being afraid to talk about the "dark side" of motherhood. It's therapeutic sometimes to know you're not the only one dealing with that overwhelming weight.
    "My grace is sufficient for you and My power is made perfect in weakness."

  6. Go handle up! That lists looks a lot like mine. :)

  7. Oh dear, I thought I was looking directly into my own Honday Odyssey right there! So helpful to know I'm not the only one...
