Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Storing Puzzles

My 5-year-old loves puzzles. She could do them for hours on end. So, it should come as no surprise that we have a lot of puzzles around the house. Storing puzzles? Well, that's where we had the problem.

First, all the boxes take up a lot of space. Secondly, the boxes are all different sizes, so even if you were trying to neatly stack them in a cupboard or closet, the stack eventually becomes disorganized. Finally, the boxes are so flimsy, they start collapsing after a few uses. This means pieces get lost. Tears ensue. You know the drill.

The solution? The humble Ziploc bag.

I choose either a quart size or, for bigger puzzles, a gallon size, ziploc. I cut the picture from the front of the box and use packaging tape to secure it to the front of the bag. (I try to make sure I also cut out the number of pieces and the age for reference). My daughter has a basket in her closet where she stores all the puzzles. It's that simple.

Pieces don't get lost. Storage is easy and takes up a lot less space.

For other tips to make your life easier, check out the growing list over at Shannon's place.


  1. Wow... that is a great post! I'll have to do that! Thanks. :)

  2. What a great idea! I think I will do this with our puzzles. It's a lot better than trying to keep a box taped together.

    Thanks for sharing!

  3. great idea, i love zip lock bags too. i am an organizational freak... so i love using them to put all the kids things in different categories in their diaper bags.

  4. Thanks, I'll have to try that for our puzzles. I am constantly taping the edges of the boxes, bags would be so much easier.

  5. Great idea! I wonder if I could adapt it for all the board games. Those boxes have been taped, re-taped, and taped again.
