Sunday, May 4, 2008

What's for Dinner This Week...

Okay, for those who have read my earlier posts, I will no longer beat the dead horse that is called, Try the Mexican Pizza Now. Just suffice it to say that if you're looking for a hugely delicious meal that's basically no work at all, that's your dish. It was the highlight of last week's menu.

Now that that is out of the way, tonight we'll be having a very simple and tasty lasagna. We'll also be trying a new pork recipe and salmon recipe this week. And, with the weather being so nice, we're taking the kids to the park for a picnic dinner on Wednesday -- a great excuse to make the Brown and Wild Rice Chicken Salad again (one of my new favorites).

Monday: Easy Skillet Lasagna, Salad, Fruit
Tuesday: Turkey Meatloaf, Oven Fries, Green Beans
Thursday: Leftovers
Friday: Pork with Sage and Apples, Salad, Brown Rice Pilaf
Saturday: Orange Glazed Salmon, Edamame, Corn on the Cob
Sunday: Beef Daube Provencal, Noodles, Peas

If you're looking for an easy, downloadable menu planner, you'll find a great one here.

For more great menu planning ideas, go and visit Laura!


  1. Ya'know, I have a chalkboard in my kitchen on which I plan dinners for a week. I then use this plan to write the grocery list and my household runs blissfully and smoothly. There are SO many advantages to planning out your meals. Yet when guests come over they are incredulous. "Is that really what you are cooking this week? You plan meals in advance? Gasp!"
    I am thrilled to learn there's a whole community of "Menu Plan Monday" freaks like me. Thank you for making me feel like less of a crazy person for being logical & organized.

  2. Hey, K -- I'm with you! I can't imagine having to figure out what to make for dinner every night. I'm WAY too indecisive. Life runs much more smoothly if I just plan it out and make one trip to the grocery store a week (and if I go on the weekend, I don't have to have three kids in tow!)

  3. Yummy menu! I think we'll be trying the Mexican Pizza soon, it looks like something my kids would love. Pizza of any kind goes over well at my house. Have a great week!

  4. Okay okay! I'll try the Mexican Pizza! :)

  5. I found two recipes to try: the Mexican Pizza and the Wild Rice salad. They both look DE-lish!

    I'm a menu planner too. I can't imagine doing it any other way - it would be too hard!

    Thank you for the recipe ideas.
