Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Be a Pot Luck Rock Star

Summer's here and chances are you're going to be invited to a fair share of barbeques and potlucks. I always agonize over what to bring to these little get togethers. I want to bring something kid friendly, but a dish adults will enjoy as well. I want to bring something "out of the ordinary," but I don't want to spend hours in the kitchen.
Well, I have found the "Holy Grail" of pot luck recipes: The World's Easiest Ice Cream Cake.

It's not something you want to set out on a picnic table next to the potato salad, but once the dinner plates are cleared, take this one out of the freezer and watch everyone swoon. This recipe is insanely simple, but people will think you worked long and hard on it. Seriously. The toughest part is peeling off all the wrappers.

World's Easiest Ice Cream Cake
Serves 12 to 14

1 (24-count) package ice cream sandwiches
2 (8-ounce) containers frozen whipped topping, thawed, divided
1 (8-ounce) package mini milk chocolate or semi-sweet chocolate chips
1 (2-ounce) package chopped walnuts
Caramel or chocolate syrup
Maraschino cherries, sliced (optional)

Cover the bottom of a 9"x13" glass baking dish with ice cream sandwiches. Spread with 8 ounces whipped topping. Add another layer of ice cream sandwiches, placing sandwiches in the opposite direction as the first layer. Srpead remaining 8 ounces whipped topping over sandwhiches. Sprinkle with chocolate chips and walnuts. Drizzle generously with caramel or chocolate syrup. Garnish with cherry slices. Cover with foil and freeze at least 2 hours before serving. Cut with a sharp knife while still frozen.
And then, be sure to get it out of the house. Because, if you're like me, you will not rest until every bite is gone.
For more great ideas and tips, head over to Shannon's place.


  1. All right! You are right that is easy and something kids and adults will love.

    I have the perfect round up for you to participate in too! I'm doing an ice cream round up on my dessert blog and I'd love to have you link this ice cream cake to it. If you have other ice cream recipes, they are welcome too. Come by and read all about it. :-)

  2. THat does sound heavenly. Can't wait to try it!

  3. This is genius! I'm going to have to try it for Munchkin's birthday in August!

  4. that's a great idea! it's so easy that i think i can get my oldest to help out making it.

    however i must find a way to get her to stop eating the ingredients while helping...

  5. That sounds like a great recipe, and so easy. I will definitely make that this summer. Thanks.

  6. I had this at a friend's house last summer and it was SO YUMMY. I was completely impressed with the dessert and had no idea how simple it was until I asked the hostess for her recipe!

  7. I made this for my dd b-day last year. She loved it so much, she requested it again.


  8. Sounds devine! I will have to wait until after the baby is born and I can have sugar again to make it. I have a strict policy not to cook anything I can't eat.

  9. I want to be a rock star! Even if it is just the pot luck variety...

    Sounds DE-lish!

  10. Just great.....

    What's next week..... more easy and convenient ways to SIN?!

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