Saturday, June 21, 2008

Books and Stuff

Whoo! It has been a week. We've had family in town and we've been running around doing every recreational activity under the sun -- tennis, golf, swimming, fishing. It's a tough life, I know. ;) And, in my down time, life could be summed up in a continual routine of feeding the masses and cleaning up after the masses. Six kids running around can really wreak havoc on a house. But, truth be told, all the work is more than made up for in the laughter, memories and time spent together.

I've also just finished reading The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield. I've got to tell y'all, I couldn't put it down. If you're at all into Gothic fiction (think Jane Eyre and Rebecca), this one really is a must read. It starts off a little slowly, but picks up quickly and holds you in its grip right to the end. The writing is beautiful and the plot is well thought out. I was so sad to see it end.

But, I needn't be sad for long because my reading pile continues to grow. This week I actually won TWO books! Can you believe it? I never win anything! First, I won a copy of Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil from Domestic Spaz. The book and movie are legendary, and I've read/seen neither. It's been years since I've visited Savannah. This book might be just the inspiration I need.

Then, over at Jo-Lynne's review site, I won a copy of Practically Posh: The Smart Girls' Guide to a Glam Life. It's all about living the high life on a budget. I am going to be fancy, folks! Move over Posh Spice, there's a new sista in town.

That's right.

The name's "Practically Posh."

You can call me "P.P." for short.

Um, on second thought, maybe not.


  1. you are always sooo funny! P.P.



  2. I, too, LOVED "The Thirteenth Tale"!! I read it a couple months ago for a book club. Have you read "Water for Elephants"? It was fantastic!!

  3. I read this before but didn't comment; Jane Eyre is my favorite novel, and I LOVED Rebecca. I'll have to check out The Thirteenth Tale. Thanks for the recc!
