Friday, June 27, 2008

Photography Friday: I've got some learnin' to do

Lori over at Just Pure Lovely has been offerring up photography tips all week and encouraging us amateurs to get out there and play with the camera. I mentioned earlier this week that I just got a new camera, so this gave me the perfect excuse to get out there and snap some pictures. Unfortunately, I've got a lot of learning to do. I took about 100 shots. Most were stinky. So, here's the best -- a small handful. I like the one of my son in "mid run" because that really sums up life with him. And, I like the picture of Grace's feet, even with the little piece of apple on them. Thank goodness I didn't have to pay to get all 100 pictures developed (one of the numerous reasons I love digital photography).
If you want to see some really great pictures, head on over to Lori's blog. Check out what she posted and the other links, as well. There are some incredibly talented photographers out there.


  1. I think they are wonderful!

  2. they are great pix! i love the last one of the flower...

    i also LOVE the pudgy feet! so adorable!

    happy friday!

  3. Wow Michelle,

    I think you underestimate yourself! These are amazing. Especially the flower (is it Magnolia?)

    The detail on the petals is amazing!

  4. Dudely --

    these are fantastic!


  5. Oh the feet photo is my favorite. I love them all ... but those feet are just too adorable.

  6. Lori is SUCH an amateur herself! I think you're doing awesome! I LOVE the wee little fat feet. Love it. I didn't even notice the apple bit, but things like that make photos reflect real life.

    And great focus on your young'un running. Sometimes that's hard to do (keep focused).

    Let's keep learning together and we'll eventually be pros! (by then we may be shooting our grandkids) (ugh, I said, "shooting them." anyway, you got it.)

    Thanks for playing along!

  7. I love the forest shot! I just got a new camera and I'm a little overwhelmed by all it can do. I really need to spend the time to learn how to use it. Thanks for the link!

  8. You did an excellent job, in my humble opinion. I LOVE the picture of baby feet, but then again I am partial to any tiny baby toes...makes me want to bite them. :)

  9. Love the picture of your son. And the baby feet of course. Is it possible to get bad picture of cute little pudgy feet?

    I'll have to check out that blog. I've been reading My Sweet Life on Fridays and she also offers tips. Now, if I could stop breaking my camera, my husband would probably let me get a nice one.
