Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Someone please pass the hair dye...

What is it with boys?

Can someone please clue me in?

I've mentioned before that I don't have any brothers, just a sister. I didn't grow up with any "boy" friends. Since having a son, I find myself continually amazed at what life with a boy entails.

Take today for instance. I just finished dealing with yet another one of Josh's head injuries.

The first head injury happened a few months ago and was to the forehead. Josh was busy flying through the house like Superman, with his head turned the opposite direction. When he turned back around -- whoops! -- there was the corner of the wall. Huge gash on forehead. Lots of blood. One late night trip to the emergency room. A few steri-strips later (couldn't do stitches due to the location of the cut). It's fixed. He still has the scar.

Second head injury came after falling off a stool in the bathroom. Head crashed into a ceramic wastebasket on the floor. Smashed the wastebasket and the side of his head in the process. Huge gash over the ear. Lots of blood. Probably could have used stitches. Opted for steri-strips. Luckily his hair has grown over the scar.

Third injury today at the pool. Josh asks me to wrap him in a towel. With a crabby baby in one arm, I use my free arm to wrap him up mummy-style and sit him on the end of the lounge chair. That's when, for whatever reason, he loses his balance, rolls off the side of the chair and smashes his face into the cement pool deck (because I so kindly wrapped his arms tightly against his side with said towel). Huge gash on chin. Lots of blood. Lots of Mommy Guilt. Could probably use a stitch, but really, why break the steri-strip trend? Now resting peacefully and Mommy could really use a stiff drink.

Here's the thing that scares me the most. Three head injuries in seven months -- and he's only 3.

I'm exhausted already, and I'm sure this party is just getting started.


  1. That sounds like my kids. Poor guy. Poor mom.

  2. DANG.

    I think boys are easier in the long run. They're more work when they're little, but they get easier.

    Girls get harder.

    Hang tough, girl.

  3. ah... not just boys my dear. my daughter have injuries what seems like all the time. that poor girl will never be able to wear a skirt when she gets older. too many scars...

    hang in there!

  4. Oh, no, no, no, you are supposed to say it only gets better after they go through the terrible twos. I am definitely in for it with my little man.

  5. Oh no!

    But it is true with boys. They play hard. Yesterday my son was doing all sorts of crazy stuff while jumping off the diving board. I literally couldn't watch.

    To bad we don't live closer to each other, we could totally color each others hair and sip something to sooth our nerves.


  6. BOYS! When my son was about 3 we were walking through a Japanese garden when somehow he fell -- face first -- onto a big ornamental rock. The pointy part went right into his eye. I nearly died on the spot. How do they manage to do these things?

  7. Oh girl. I hear you on the Mommy Guilt thing. I always feel awful when my baby gets all bloodied up, even when I'm standing there watching her. But I guess God made these little ones extra tough...they always spring right back, don't they?

  8. My son has been to the emergency room so many times, he knows exactly where they keep the juice, crackers, and popsicles.

    Does that make you feel better?

  9. Oh I know what you are talking about. My lil' two year old hurts his head all the time. He worries me.
    Although I must say my daughter is clumsy...not only is she clumsy she is dramatic.

  10. Oh my darlin' I feel for you~
