Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Shoes, Glorious Shoes

"The one thing children wear out faster than shoes is parents."
-- John J. Plomp

I've said it once and I'll say it again: I do not enjoy buying shoes.
This sentiment applies not only to buying my own shoes, but to buying those of my children as well.
My cyber-pal Darcie over at Such the Spot, also detests shoe buying. Thanks to her, I won the cutest pair of shoes for Jilly. (Thanks, Darcie!) But, they are way too cute to see the likes of a playground. So, for that reason, and also because I do have other children, we made a trip to the shoe store.
Is it just me or does anyone else feel like a trip to the children's shoe store is equivalent to running a 5K?
We spent well over an hour in the store.
And the decisions.
Josh wants light up shoes.
Jilly wants glitter.
This shoe hurts.
I don't like these.
Hey, can I try these?
Where is Jilly?
Jilly don't walk out of the store!
Josh, put that shoe down.
No, they don't have it in your size.
Would you be able to check his foot for a minute?
Josh, just walk to the mirror and back -- the mirror and back.
And, if I was exhausted at the end of it all, I can only guess what that poor saleswoman felt like. It was the beginning of the tax free weekend, Stride Rite was running its Buy One, Get One 50% off sale, and she made at least 15 separate trips to the back, each time emerging with a new tower of boxes. And that was just for us.
While I was busy making crucial shoe decisions, my mom was feeding Grace lunch in her stroller. (Of course I brought my mom -- I'm no glutton for punishment. Taking three kids shoe shopping would put me over the edge.)
You know what my mom found?
You know what she bought?
Oh, prepare yourselves!
Your ovaries might ache just a little after seeing this:

Can you even stand it?!?

Oh my goodness. Honestly. Those little white shoes are the cutest things I have ever seen. By the way, the size is for babies "6 weeks to 3 months old." Grace is 14 months. Perhaps that's the reason she's not walking yet -- who can balance on those teeny feet?

Or it could have something to do with genetics. In our pediatrician's words: "Well, I'm not too concerned. You and your husband are not exactly the Bull Mastiff variety. You're more the Terrier variety."

That's doctor speak for: "Y'all are some scrawny peeps."

Regardless, the little white shoes made the in-store chaos totally worth it.


  1. Oh my! That sweet little foot is eat-able!

  2. My son has turned out to be the pickiest shoe buyer in the family and it drives me nuts. We need to hit 3-4 stores every time.

    And yes, my ovaries do ache looking at that picture. oooh baby feet!!

  3. There ain't much that could make my ovaries hurt (I am SO done having babies) but yes, I could just eat up those adorable little shoes!

  4. Ha HA! Our Stride Rite is closing so A got his BTS shoes 50% off. (S still always gets hand-me-downs.) But A was so upset that they didn't make light up shoes in his big size! One of the irritating things about getting old, I guess.

  5. I love those little feet. So sweet. :)
    I love shoe shopping for me but not for my kiddos. We always go to Stride Rite as well and it is usually an awful experience. Our store is soooo small and always busy. So getting help is hardly ever an option.
    Enough about that ... I love the white shoes. Very cute and again those baby feet are just so sweet. :)

  6. Those ARE sweet! When the Monster started walking right at a year, it was a nightmare. The Princess' first pair of shoes was a 5 1/2. The monster will be 2 next month and STILL wears a size 5. Oh, the irony.

  7. It's more of a twitch. My ovaries are twitching.

  8. Oh, these shoes are doing a number on my ovaries. Of course it doesn't help that I've had the Baby Itch for a year now. :)

    Scrawny peeps...girl, you had me rolling! :)

  9. What is it about baby shoes?? YES - my ovaries are indeed aching a bit.

    Glad I'm waiting on a China baby. Can't wait to stuff her little feetsers into those darlin' shoes!

  10. Bug got Heelys this year. What the heck was I thinking?

    I left you some bloggy love today. :)

  11. Love those cute white shoes!
    I myself, LOVE to shoe shop for me and my kids! I LOVE to pick out shoes for my daughter a little more than I do for the boys! She always seems to have a bigger variety in her shoe bucket!
