Thursday, August 28, 2008

Spreading the Bloggy Love...

I never cease to be amazed by this thing called the Blogosphere. It seems so bizarre to say it, but I've made so many great friends, most of whom I've never met in real life (that's the bizarre part).

A couple weeks ago, I won a contest over at Raising A & C -- the prize was my very most favorite new mascara -- Covergirl lashBlast. That was terrific enough -- but you know what else the fabulous "mah-meeee" threw in? Check it out:

That's Godiva chocolate and you'll notice TWO mascaras. And, because that girl understands my picky eater struggles -- a box of Mickey-a-roni and cheese. She's such a great bloggy friend. Isn't she the coolest?

Then, my pal Domestic Spaz sent an award my way!

Like mah-meeee, Spaz has been a blogging friend from the very beginning. I wanted to turn right around and bestow this award on her, because I do heart her blog. But, she obviously already received the award. So, I'm following the rules and passing on the love to seven other worthy recipients:

She Just Had to Say It -- for having the courage to spill the beans (the good, bad and engorged).

Finding Me in the Madness -- because there is no one more committed to health and well-being than Heather.

Domestic Accident -- because her baby steps toward green living are so inspiring, and she's got a wicked sense of humor.

Such the Spot -- because Darcie's writing is first rate and every post she writes is well worth the read.

Just Pure Lovely -- because Lori's photos inspire me to keep trying for just the right picture.

Style for the Stay at Home Mom -- for Leah's love of clothes, books and all things Banana Republic.

Gourmet Momma -- for always having an easy solution to the "What's for Dinner?" quandry.

And finally, one last bit of bloggy love. One of my closest college friends has finally started a blog. It took Lori a while to come over to the "Dark Side" (heck, it took me six months to convince her to create a Google profile so she could stop commenting as "Anonymous"), but she's finally jumped in with both feet. Go check out her new digs over at Barefoot in High Heels. And feel free to pass around some bloggy love -- leave her a comment!


  1. Oh, I can't wait to check out these blogs. Congrats on your award.

    This bloggy thing is kind of strange isn't it? I'll sometimes find myself wondering what so and so would do, and I don't truly know so and so. But, I love it!

  2. You like me! You REALLY like me!

    Thanks for the "bloggy" love . . .

  3. i'm glad you like your gift!

    i wish i can give away gifts all the time!

  4. Thanks Michelle.
    I am looking forward to reading those blogs you reccommend.

  5. You're the bestest. :)

    It is weird. I feel so close to so many of my bloggy friends and yet, I've never met any of them.

    I posted something today calling for stories about your worst parenting mistakes. If you've already posted one in the past or feel like posting another one and linking up, I'd definitely appreciate it! :)

  6. I know what you mean. The blogging thing has meant so much to me for my sanity's sake. I have many women who I've never met but I feel know me well and I know them - they are friends despite the circumstances.

    Congrats on your award love.

  7. aww your so sweet! Thanks so much for giving me the award, I love your blog too! :)
    the gourmet momma

  8. What a fun bunch of stuff! I've been coveting that mascara...I need to buy some and try it out. Congrats, girl!

  9. I am uber late but thank you for thinking of me! I love your blog too, but you already knew that...
