Friday, September 19, 2008

Clockin' Out

I'm taking a little bloggy break to spend some time with my family. It's going to involve a lot of sand, surf and, hopefully, a trip to the Banana Republic Factory Outlet (oh, happy day!). I'll be back in about a week or so with plenty of fun things to share. Catch ya then!


  1. Enjoy! I will be living vicariously through you when it comes to shopping at the BR outlet store...let us know what you find!

  2. Enjoy your time off sweetie. I hope y'all have a blast and get some good stuff :-)

  3. Go with my blessing!

  4. Yay! Have a great time and I lok forward to hearing all about it when you get back!

  5. Um, you're back right? Because I'm in a bit of a blog drought and hoping for a gullywasher. Hello? Michelle? ? :)

  6. NOOOOO.....


    ok, have a great time! miss you lots!

  7. Michelle? Hey Michelle? Over here. Yeah, it's me again. Ya see, it's been twelve days since you blogged. Check your statcounter, you might be seeing what appears to be obsessive hits...:)

    You. must. blog.
