Monday, September 8, 2008

Some New Family Favorites

Darcie mentioned a few weeks ago that it's been a while since I've particpated in Menu Plan Monday. She's right. Part of that has been due to the allergy treatments that my daughter has been doing (when you've got to avoid say, sugar, for 30 hours, your menus lack a certain "excitement.") But the other half of it is that I've been in a recipe rut. I was getting to a point where it just felt like I was making the same ol' thing, over and over and over again. Anyone else ever feel that way?

Well, in the last few weeks, I've been on a new recipe search. I've found some great recipes and some not-so-great ones. This week, I thought I'd share some of our new family favorites:

Bruschetta Chicken: I tried this one at the suggestion of Laura and it was tasty. I used a few garden ripe tomatoes, which really made the whole recipe. The ingredients seem very simple, but the taste is great.

Thai Mango Chicken: I love Thai food, but I have never had much luck making it at home. It just never tastes quite like the real deal. Well, that all changed once I made this recipe. Oh my gosh -- this one is a home run! Make it now! It's so easy, and I could eat it every day. Really.

Mini Farfalle Chipotle Chicken Pasta in Fire Roasted Tomato Cream Sauce: Okay, this is so good, it will make your toes curl. To borrow a phrase from my blogging pal Heather, it's fan-flipping-tastic. It will look like it makes gallons -- trust me, you'll eat every last bite.

Southwest Black Bean Salad and Peach Torte: These are delicious -- hurry up and make the Peach Torte before peaches go out of season.

Open-Faced Chicken and Muenster Sandwiches with Apricot-Dijon Spread: This recipe is from the latest issue of Cooking Light. It's easy, tasty and great for a summer evening.
For more great menu ideas, head on over to Menu Plan Monday!


  1. Ooh, the Chipotle Chicken sounds WONDEFUL. Definitely adding that to my recipe stash!

  2. How timely this post was for me. I was making my menu plan this morning and I just bought ingredients for the Chipotle Chicken pasta. Can't wait to try it. Thanks for the inspiration!

  3. I will have to try out some of those recipes - they sound deliciouiylykis.

  4. Obviously that should be delicious!!!!!

  5. Michelle --

    Can't wait to try the chipotle chicken recipe -- I feel like I'm in a rut myself lately. yum yum!

  6. Three cheers for the return of Menu Plan Monday! Woo hoo! I've found some new favorites from this little diddy. And it looks to me like I have a few more to try now, especially that Bruschetta Chicken. Thanks Michelle. :)

  7. I am definitely going to try that pasta - it sounds yummy!!

  8. You are a million times more creative and gourmet than I am. Very impressed.

  9. yum-o! i think i'm going to try the bruschetta chicken... hubby LOVES tomatoes.

    i've been in a rut for cooking too. it got to a point when my princess would say, "pasta (or insert whatever i've been cooking)again?"

    how's the treatments going? hope she's still improving!
