Thursday, October 9, 2008

Best of the Beach

I finally got around to downloading all the photos we snapped at the beach.

I'm particularly fond of Josh's "King of the World" photo below and, I even included the one vacation picture that has me in it! (I've had to make a concerted effort to take at least one of these "mom is really with us" pictures per vacation so that my kids will have proof that I actually existed. Otherwise, just a cursory look through the scrapbooks and you'd think they didn't have a mother. A father, yes. But, me? I'm always the one taking the pictures, not in them. :)


  1. Beautiful pictures! And you look awesome in your suit! And not at all like a mother with three sick kids!

    I have sent an award your way!

  2. There are barely any photos of me in our house as I am the one in charge of the camera most of the time, and when my husband or kids does take a photo of me they're usually so terrible I delete them (the joys of digital photography).

    You look gorgeous!

  3. Your photos are even want to make this mountain girl head to the coast! It looks so relaxing.

  4. So excited to see that you posted a photo of yourself. I know what you mean...I am in about 1% of the pictures that we take. You look amazing, and what a perfect vacation spot.

  5. OMG Michelle, you are a great photog! These are beautiful photos; thanks for sharing.
