Sunday, October 26, 2008

Bloggy Giveaway Time!

I just finished reading one of the best book series I've read in a long time. It's one of those can't-put-it-down-for-one-second kind of reads.

I walked around depressed for a week when I finished because I didn't want it to end.

Seriously. It's that good.

So, to share the love, I'm giving away one brand-new, never-read copy of Twilight. It's just the first book, but it should be enough to get you addicted hooked started. (If you've already read it, enter anyway -- it would make a great Christmas gift.)

For a chance to win, leave a comment on this post by 11 p.m. on Friday, October 31st.

For a valid entry, you must include a good book recommendation -- because now that I'm done with Edward and Bella, I need something good to read. Help a girl out, would ya?

One comment per person please (duplicates will be deleted). You do NOT have to have a blog to play along, but please provide a valid email address where I can contact you. I'm willing to ship internationally, but I'm not sure how the duty and taxes will work on your end. (If you're willing to handle that part, please feel free to enter.) I will randomly draw a winner and notify you via email over the weekend.

Thanks for visiting and, if you're new here, feel free to stop back when you have time to look around. Don't forget to check out all the other fantastic prizes up for grabs this week as part of the Bloggy Giveaways Carnival. Good luck!


  1. please enter me! i really want to get started with the twilight series. have you read the Undead series by MaryJanice Davidson? It's vampire chick lit, very funny.

  2. Girl, I almost gave this book away myself. I started it on Friday night and can't stop! I should finish today. It is SO good!!!

    I want to enter your giveaway...if I should win, I'll pass it on to a friend!

    Is your computer fixed?

  3. I should do a giveaway on my blog. They are so much fun. Maybe after I complete these crazy Halloween costumes that I decided to make. I haven't read a book in awhile that wasn't a craft book, sad I know. I have been enjoying on a purely entertainment, not high-brow literature level, the mystery books by Sarah Graves. They are set in Maine, and pretty humorous. Although, I'm not sure if you have had to live or visit Maine in order to get some of the jokes.

    Or, I just heard an interview this morning on NPR for the book called "Icarus at the Edge of Time." It's a board book of all things that takes the classic Icarus fable, and applies it to Einstein's general theory of relativity. I can't wait to read it to my 6 and 4yos. It uses images from the Hubble space telescope and looks very cool.

  4. I recommend Four Wives by Wendy Walker. It's like Desperate Housewives, sort of (I don't know - we have no TV hee hee).

    I'd like to read the Twilight series. Thanks for opening this to everyone. You made someone happy. :-)

    sandierpastures [at] yahoo dot com

  5. I'm very curious about all this Twilight buzz.
    I'm currently reading The Shack by William p. Young on loan from my MIL. So far so good, but I don't have much time to read lately.

  6. I've been wanting to read this one. From what I've heard it's a vampire book? There's another series I've read in the same genre that I liked.
    you might like it.

  7. If you loved Twilight, you might just love A Great And Terrible Beauty by Libba Bray. On the surface, they're nothing alike. A Great and Terrible Beauty is set in Victorian England at a boarding school...but all is not as it seems. The book is full of magic and growing romance that is later developed in the other books.


  8. I have been wanting to read this series. I just finished Blue Heart Blessed. I recommend it. Thanks for entering my name!

  9. I recommend the Mission: Russia series by Susan May Warren.

    sj3girls AT hotmail DOT com

  10. I have been wanting to read this series. I would suggest anything by Debbie Macomber. She has several series.

  11. I'd love a copy of Twilight, it'd make a great Christmas present for my sister. I recommend Poison Study by Maria V. Snyder.

    screamingicecube at bellsouth dot net

  12. I hope that you are going to read the rest of the books in the series. My sons (17 & 21) and I are reading the series. I would love to give Twlight as a gift!

    A Passion Most Pure by Julie Lessman was excellent.

  13. I've seen Twilight all over the place and would love to get hooked.

    I'd recommend that you try The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova

    It's a wonderful Dracula novel, but very literary, not cheesy. It's one of my favorite books, and as an English major in college, I've read tons!

  14. Definitely try The Host next! Would love LOVE to win~


  15. Are you for real! I have been dying to read this book - and here you are being so generous and giving it away!

    I enjoy Jodi Piccoult - have you read anything by her?

  16. I haven't read the Twilight series but I have heard a lot about it! I lead two Christian book clubs, and the latest book we read that we loved was In Search of Eden by Linda Nichols. Thanks for the giveaway!

  17. You may enjoy the many Janet Evanovich books. She's due to come out with a new one soon, "Foul Play" :)

  18. Oooh, I'm such a sucker for a book giveaway!

    I just started Friendship Bread - seems good (I'm on page 7, lol).


  19. I've heard this is good! I'd love to read it.

    Right now I'm reading Lion Among Men, the third in the Wicked series. It is good, but I think it's only compelling because I've already read the first two and this volume is trying to unravel more of the mysteries behind those. If you haven't read the series, though, it's a good one.

    chappyandalexa [at] earthlink [dot] net

  20. Love to be entered! I've just started Tomato Girl by Jayne Pupek and I love it so far!

    aimme21 at yahoo dot com

  21. My favorites:

    A Year of Wonder by Geraldine Brooks
    The Red Tent by Anita Diamant
    Stern Men by Elizabeth Gilbert

  22. I started reading the Janet Evanovich series.


  23. I was just asking your friend over at Barefoot if she had this book! I have it on hold at the library but would love to read it sooner!

    The last book I loved was The Other Boleyn Girl. More recently I read Nineteen Minutes by Jodi Picoult and I didn't like it much.

  24. Maybe you can read her latest book - The Host. I have it, but haven't gotten to reading it yet. I haven't read her Twilight series yet!

    bunnybx at gmail . com

  25. One of my favorite books is My Sisters Keeper by Jodi Picoult. Its definitely a can't put it down kind of book.

  26. "Naked in Death" (the 1st book out of like 20). They are amazing!
    I want to read Twilight
    KawaiiNeko2008 (at) aol (dot) com

  27. One of my favorite books of the year is The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield. It's one of those books that keeps you up all night because you have to know what happens.

    I haven't read Twilight, but everyone keeps raving about it, so I would be happy to win.
    akreese (at) hotmail (dot) com

  28. The lovely bones, by alice sebold

    Enter me please!

    ndisilvio at gmail dot com

  29. Haven't read this and would love to! I recommend "My Sister's Keeper" by Jodi Picolt. I just finished reading it.

  30. Oh, I soooo want to start reading this series, just haven't had a chance. Would love to win this! Have you read the Mitford series by Jan Karon? So sweet, yet very engaging! Great giveaway - thanks for offering!

  31. witch of blackbird pond- juvenile fiction, yes, wonderful story still

  32. Cross and Double Cross by James Patterson are great. Thanks!

  33. Have you ever read "she's come undone" by Wally Lamb? Its my all time favorite!

  34. I would love this book! If you want something a bit lighthearted I would go with Jasper Fforde's Nursery Crime series. I love this, I've reread them twice just waiting for his next book!


  35. I am a HUGE Twilight fan (I am even wearing a Twilight shirt at the lie!), I own copies of the entire series except for...yep you guessed it...TWILIGHT! I borrowed a copy from my friend and have never owned my own copy of the book!

    As for a great book suggestion I recommend ANY books by Jodi Piccoult or Sarah Dessen! Two great authors with a wide selection of books to choose from =)

    XWildHopeX at hotmail dot com

  36. The Ultimate Gift :)

    lilacbutterfly [at]

  37. Oh, I love a book I can't put down. Personally, I like all of Anita Shrieve's books. She was the author of The Pilot's Wife. I also like Jodi Piccoult. I would love to read Twilight! Thank you for the chance to win!

  38. I really enjoyed The Hawk and the Dove by Penelope Wilcock. Perhaps it is something you might be interested in as well.

    michelle at northofthe49 dot com

  39. Have you read The Demon Hunting Soccor Mom series? I'm on book four and it's called Deja Demon. I can't remember what the first is called, but they're by Julie Kenner. Thanks for the chance to win!
    give_me_a_latte at yahoo

  40. I was at my moms and went through her books. I picked one up by Tami Hoag and was done with it in 3 days. I can't wait to read more of her books. It was a murder mystery and oh my gosh, the turns and twists were unreal. I loved it.

  41. Thank you for the great give away! I started to read Twilight and had to return it to the library....somebody recalled it. Made me sooo mad. Now the list is never ending to get it back. I am too broke to buy it for myself so I asked for it for Christmas.

    I like the O'Malley Series by Dee Henderson.

  42. I've heard of the Twilight series but haven't read any yet. I love anything by James Patterson or Jonathan Kellerman.
    Thanks for the chance to win your great giveaway!
    proudyaya04 {at} yahoo {dot} com

  43. Eat, Pray, Love was a great book! It is very personal.

  44. I liked the Left Behind series for the simple reason that it was entertaining and there was always another book to I put off that depression of finishing a book for a longer period of time.

    owatz (AT) telus (DOT) net

  45. AWWW, I love Twilight! Have you read The Host? It's also by Stephenie Meyer. I might even like it better than Twilight, it's a hard choice. Count me in!


  46. I haven't read this book, i would recomend every Storm by Lori Wick.

  47. My sister keeps telling me the twilight series is the best ever- Obviously the people at the local library think so because the waiting list is looooooong!

    I just finished reading "Pillars of the Earth" by Ken Follet that I enjoyed there were a few parts that were a little grafic for me...

    Thanks so much for the AWE-some Give-oh-Way!

  48. I know it is not a new book, but my favorite book of all time is The Count of Monte Cristo. I have read it multiple times.

  49. I enjoyed reading The Other Boleyn Girl by Phillipa Gregory, then after you read it, you can watch the movie.

    michelleharrod at

  50. I have been so wanting to read this so bad! I recommend any book by Octavia E Butler, she writes wonderful sci-fi!

  51. I am currently reading Deafening which so far is excellent!

    elkmeese at yahoo dot com

  52. I just finished reading The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society and it was excellent. The entire book is in letters which I thought was very clever. Thanks for the great giveaway!

  53. I am reading the Mitford series by Jan Karon.

  54. I read "Hungry Hill" recently -- one of the best memoirs I've ever read. Thanks for the contest!
    musesofmegret (at) gmail (dot) com

  55. I loved My Sister's Keeper and the Confessions of a Shopaholic Series. The first is more serious and pulls at your heart and the second is funny but totally girly chick lit.

  56. Oh you should try the Temeraire series by Naomi Novik!

  57. I finished "The Girls" recently, interesting read.

    As for twilight, everyone I know seems to be reading it. Thanks for a chance.

  58. Would love this! Have you read the Stephanie Plum series? Very Funny.

    I also really liked Wicked Lovely & the 2nd book, can't remember name something with Ink the title though.

  59. I love this book and would love to give a copy to my sister to read for Christmas. I highly recommend The Goose Girl by Shannon Hale which I just finished reading. I just couldn't put it down.

  60. This is my favorite book! Would love to give a copy to my mom.

    A series I really like is the Gallagher Girls series by Ally Carter. It's about teenage girls who go to a spy school.

  61. have never read, though i've heard much about it. i always loved the chronicles of narnia series, and w/ the movies coming out it's nice to have the book to read before seeing the movie

  62. Something Borrowed by Emily Giffin, think it is a better suited book than Twilight!

    I will post a review of it on my blog quite soon!

  63. I really liked the Twilight books too. Now I started on "An Assembly Such as This" by Pamela Aidan. It is the 1st in a set of 3 about Darcy's perspective on the events of "Pride and Prejudice". I'm liking it so far!

  64. I highly recommend The Time Traveler's Wife. I think the author's name is Audrey Niffenberger.

  65. The "Prey" series by d McBain are pretty good.

  66. i have not read this series yet... my favorites tend to run along sci fi . i love ender's game by orson scott card

    lukenlarry at yahoo dot com

  67. You have to read "The Outlander" by Diana Galbadoon! Loved it! Thanks so much for doing this for us!

  68. I just finished "Dear John" by Nicholas Sparks and was so sad that it was done. An excellent book!

  69. Sounds like a good book! Right now, I'm reading Sweetgrass and am halfway through. It's pretty good so might like it!

  70. The Election by Jerome Teal (I think this is the authors name) was the last real good book I read a month or so ago.

  71. I have heard about this series, and think it would be a great read. One of my favorite books is the SciFi On the Beach by Nevil Shute...given the world we are living in today, it really opens your eyes and makes you think.

    micaela6955 at msn dot com

  72. I would love to read this!

    My recommendation is the Janet evanovich Stephanie Plum series :)

    Thank you for the great giveaway!

    kerin0874 (at) yahoo (dot) com

  73. This is the best book I've ever read. I have the whole series all four books. I would love to get a copy for my sister in law. IT would make a great Christmas gift. I would recommend The Host by Stephenie Meyer. It's different from twilight , but very good as well. And for those of you who don't know the Twilight movie will be in theaters Nov. 21st. Thanks for the great giveaway!


  74. Yay another fellow stephenie meyer reader! I loved all four books and was quite sad when they ended :( I already read them obviously, but I love your suggestion and they would indeed make a great christmas present if I win I already know who I'll give it to :D

    A great book I'm pretty sure you'll enjoy is Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones it is so lovely and a great romantic story it's so cute!
    You might also enjoy Libba Bray's series A Great and Terrible Beauty, Rebel Angels, and The Sweet Far Thing I recently read them and was hooked!! (I'm giving away the ebooks if you'd like to enter)

    Oh, you should also try The House of Night series another vampire story/stories by P.C Cast and Kristin Cast these books are pretty darn good they won't get you as addicted as the twilight books but they are good reads nonetheless :D

    Ooooh another book you should really really read is Elsewhere by Gabrielle Zevin it's a nice/lovely/sad story about the death of a girl and her life after death if that makes sense it's a great short book

    If you haven't read the Harry Potter books I suggest you get started they are AMAZING!!!

    lc_intocable [at]yahoo [dot] com

  75. I love historical fiction so my recomendation would be any of the 'royal' books by Philipa Gregory, including the Other Boelyn Girl (so much better than the movie!). The Queen's Fool has been my favorite so far.

  76. Well, I've really been enjoying books by Joel Rosenberg. The first one in the series I'm addicted to is "The Last Jihad." Edge of your seat kind of reading!
    frog123 (at) cyipom (dot) net

  77. If you like Twilight, you might like Evernight by Claudia Gray. It is also about vampires and will be a series. Book 1 is the only one out so far. The second book Stargazer, comes out in March. Thanks for the giveaway!

  78. I haven't read these yet, and really want too.

    I just finished Wicked, and started Son of a Witch. Since we are seeing Wicked next month, I figured I should read the background first. They are actually pretty good too.


    fritzfacts at gmail dot com

  79. My daughter really wants me to read this! :D

    I reccomend "Everything You Need To Know to Feel Go(o)d" By Candace Pert :) Non-fiction, but enlightening :)


  80. Have you read any of the Emily Giffin books?

  81. I so want to read this series! Please enter me into your drawing. Ireally enjoyed reading Wicked and Son of a Witch by Gregory McGuire, he just published a 3rd book in the series A Lion Among Men. I can't wait to read this one.

  82. I have heard so many good things about this series and would like to read it. For fun reads I have really liked The Spellman Files and Curse of the Spellmans.

  83. Awesome wonderful series!!! Cannot wait to see the movie on the 21st. An author that I really like,is Jodi Piccolt. My Sister's Keeper is really good.

  84. I loved the Twilight series! Have you read Host? It's really good too. As for other authors/books, have you read:

    Kelly Armstrong - Women of the Otherword series
    Kim Harrison - Rachel Morgan series
    Charlaine Harris - Sookie Stackhouse series
    Carrie Vaughn - Kitty the Werewolf series
    Patricia Briggs - Mercedes Thompson series
    Jennifer Rardin - Jaz Parks series
    Rachel Vincent - Werecat series

    Yeah, I'm a bit of a urban fantasy fan. I have more suggestions, but those are my main faves. Let me know if you want more.

    Thanks! :0)

  85. Very similar to Twilight (or so I've found so far, reading Twilight right now) is Charlaine Harris' Sookie Stackhouse books. More adult, but similar.

  86. I just finished Written in Blood (Sheila Lowe). It was really good!

  87. I love to read and I'm all over the place. I love Sophia Kinsella's Shopaholic series but also love anything by James Patterson or John Grishman. I also enjoy a good Jane Green book ;)

  88. I'm a big fan of Christopher Moore - I just finished his 2 part set about vampires: Bite Me (A Love Story) & You Suck (A Love Story). I highly recommend them. Entertaining on every level & an easy read!

  89. Twilight has been recommended to me and I would love to read it! I would suggest Karen Kingsbury or Nicholas Sparks, two great authors that I always read everything of. Thanks for the chance!

  90. I am currently reading sTORI telling. I love it but I love Tori and Dean so you might not. Thanks for the chance to win.

  91. The Mark of the Lions Trilogy ~ by Francine Rivers.

    Thanks for the chance to win.

    Seeking Him,

  92. I have the full set already, but you're right - it would make a great gift! In fact, that's how *I* got started on Twilight. My sister gave it to me. :)

    The first book to make it on my favorites list, post-Twilight series, is Book of a Thousand Days by Shannon Hale. In fact, I'm giving away a copy of it in MY giveaway, so hop on by!

  93. I love Janet Evanovich's books about Stephanie Plum. There are tons of them, so they'd keep you busy for a longgg time!


  94. Ooh, haven't read this yet!

    I'm currently working on a pretty fun book: California Demon (about a demon-hunter soccer mom).

  95. I loved She's Come Undone by wally lamb.

  96. The Outlander Series by Diana Gabaldon is fantastic!!!

    Great giveaway!!


  97. I've heard so many good things about Twilight! I'm excited to read it! My recommendation: Anything by Jodi Picoult, but my favorite by her is My Sister's Keeper. OR The Secret Life of the Bees by Sue Monk Kidd.

  98. I'm giving away Between, Georgia by Joshilyn Jackson. It was SO good. All three of her books great. I've resisted the Twilight bandwagon so far but would love to see what the fuss is about.

  99. your right, these are awesome books. I am going to read The Memory Keepers Daughter next, I hear it is fantastic

    thanks for sharing

    ceashark at aol dot com

  100. i love books like that! i am really into jodi picoult's books. i've enjoyed them all and they are all pretty different other that they all involve a crime and some court room activity but they are so much more than that!

    sarahn4639 at gmail dot com

  101. I just started reading the alphabet series of dectective books from Sue Grafton. It starts with A is for Alibi, and goes from there! So far so good =)

  102. Awesome!

    Jodi Picoult books are the best fiction out there.

    Also Francine Rivers has an amazing historical fiction trilogy called The Mark of the Lion.

    Margaret George has really good historical fiction too, but her books are LONG.

    Thank you for doing this!

  103. Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card

  104. I have never read the twilight series. Have you read the Eragon series? Brinsingr is the new book and it is really action packed with elves, dwarfs, dragons and tons of stories.

  105. hmmm, I have heard so very much about the Twilight series, it would be good to read the first book and see what it's all about! You need a recommendation? Ermmmmm, I wont inflict my management books on you!! How about Four Fires by Bryce Courtenay - I liked it and so did Mum!

  106. Anything by Kay Hooper is really good and Twenty Wishes by Debbie Macomber is also really good. Thanks for the giveaway!

  107. I just read "Marley and Me" in one sitting. It was a great book if you hadn't read it yet!


  108. I'd love to read Twilight. In the mean time might I suggest Charlaine Harris's Southern Vampire Mystery series.

  109. I've been reading the Annie's People series by Beverly Lewis and loving it. Thanks:)
    Theresa N

  110. I want to read this series. I am reading the Hidden Faces series by Brandilynn Collins.


  111. OOH OOH pick me pick me :) I am an avid reader and cannot believe I didn't get into this yet! Tehre are so many good books I've read it's hard to focus in on just one: How about MY Sister's Keeper or MY Year of Living Biblically (About the guy who followed the bible literally for a year-it's funny too)

  112. Please enter me. I just finished a book called " ANgela's Ashes" and I would recommend that to everyone

  113. For nonfiction, I recommend "The Omnivore's Dilemma". I read it almost a year ago, but still thing about it often. Thanks for the giveaway!

  114. I have heard about this series and want to read it!

    I just finished reading The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls (sp could be wrong) and loved it!

