Friday, October 24, 2008

Experiencing Technical Difficulties...

I'm on a temporary blog hiatus, because my computer pretty much crashed last night. Hubs checked it out and discovered it had 400 viruses on it.

Yeah. You read that right.


I didn't even know that was possible.

Turns out I was supposed to be scanning the computer regularly. I thought that the antivirus software was supposed to do that automatically. And that's when my husband informed me that we didn't pay for the "deluxe" auto-scan version.


So, I've been officially "unplugged" until we can recitify the problem -- hopefully sometime this weekend.

With any luck, I'll have that soup recipe to share with you on Monday.

Have a good weekend!


  1. I'm sorry friend...and I'll miss your posts!

    Your next computer needs to be a Mac. Ours is 4 years old and nary a virus. May your computer recover quickly!

    Happy weekend.

  2. Wow! You are seriously the 4th person I've read about a computer crashing THIS WEEK. It got me motivated to back up my photos, though!

  3. Oh No! Unplugged for the weekend?!!!

    I'll miss your posts but I am glad your computer is going to have some rest and a chance to recover from all those virus'!!

    Happy Friday!

  4. 400 for real? That's not good.

    Okay, well, may the force be with him as his does his techie stuff. :)

  5. One word.


    As in computers.

    Okay, so that was more than one word...

    Jut sayin'.... Mac = no viruses.
