Sunday, October 19, 2008

Lookout! I'm feeling crafty!

I'm not sure what it is about fall, but this time of year always seems to find me channeling my inner Martha Stewart.

I'm not really a terribly "crafty" person. I do a little scrapbooking. I do crafts with my kids. That's pretty much the extent of it.

But then the temperatures begin to drop, the leaves start changing colors, and I start dreaming up home decor projects that must be executed immediately. Last year, it was a charming pair of fall wreaths for our front door. Armed with a couple twig wreaths from Michael's, a handful of fake foliage and my trusty glue gun, I created this:

Last week as I was scrolling through Works for me Wednesday posts, I saw this post for "Window Coverings in Minutes -- No Sew!" When I clicked over, I was absolutely amazed at the gorgeous window treatment Lora Lynn created with scrap fabric, packing tape and upholstery tacks. She called it a window mistreatment, and credited the Nester for this flash of brilliance.

I headed over to the Nesting Place to get a few more details, and my fall craft obsession shifted into high gear.

Did I mention we have about 80 windows in our house, not counting the skylights? Yep. I went through and counted them myself. I love window treatments, but when you've got 80 windows, you quickly come to the realization that mini blinds are the cheapest and easiest answer.

Because, after all, you do have to send the kids to college.

But the Nester says these treatments are supposed to be done with remnants. Scraps. Whatever you've got lying around or can find on the cheap.

And I'm all about cheap.

So, I headed up to the attic and unearthed about a yard and half of leftover decorator fabric (from a few fall projects ago). I got out my packing tape, bought some upholstery tacks and just look at what I did to our bathroom window:

See the upholstery tacks? I hammered them right into the wall!

Here's what it looks like when you take a few steps back.

Isn't it pretty?!? It took me about 15 minutes and cost all of 99 cents (for the package of upholstery tacks).

I'm so psyched, I can't wait to go hunting for more remnant fabric, because I've got a few other windows to dress.


Only 79 more to go.


  1. Wow, great job! Look at you being all crafty. I have been going around to all of these different blogs that showcase tons of fun fall decor, and I have nothing...I guess I feel like I don't have a crafty bone in my body. But I think you just inspired me...

  2. Fantastic work. I bet you are feeling so pleased with yourself. It must be in the air. I feel the same way about my little black dress.

  3. That is so impressive. It's all neat and even. I don't think I could do that.

  4. Amazing what a little fabric can do for a window isn't it? Looking at that I would never have guessed you aren't a crafty kind of gal. Looks great!

  5. Wow! That is awesome!

    I have been wanting to do some Mis-treatments myself! But I keep chickening out!

  6. Holy cow, you are so like me! I love doing stuff like this! I have rigged so many window treatments its a joke! I will email you a photo of my kitchen window!

    I am going to take knitting lessons with the little old lady next door! Trisha from ttwcreative got me goin'!

  7. Oh...that is amazing! You go, girl! You've inspired me to do something about my untreated windows. And your wreath looks awesome too!

    I start feeling all crafty in the fall and winter months too, but I haven't been *really* inpsired until now.

    So glad you shared this.
