Monday, November 17, 2008

The Big Reveal

So, remember my little crafty episode where I was fashioning some "window mistreatments" ala The Nester for my kitchen and great room? Well, the kitchen is officially done -- and I've finally managed to get some halfway-decent pictures of what I did (there are so many windows in my kitchen that it was hard to find a good time of day when the lighting would work). Anywho, here's a "before picture" of my kitchen sink area (sorry, the lighting on this one isn't the greatest):

Here are the three windows over the kitchen sink now:

From another angle:

I have a huge bay of windows in the kitchen that, unfortunately, I don't have a before picture for. So, you'll just have to use your imagination to picture the area without the fabric. Here is the area all dressed up:

And a little closer...

Do you see why it would have cost me a fortune to have fancy drapery treatments made? There is no end to the windows.

All I did was folded the fabric, which I bought for a mere $7 a yard, and then used upholstery tacks to secure it the wall. (For full instructions, check out the Nester's site here.) Then, I happened to find these little flower clips:

Guess how much I paid for them?!? 50 cents each! It was the steal of the century, because just look at how it finishes off the mistreatment:

All told, I think I spent a total of $86 dollars to dress 13 windows in my kitchen. That comes out to about $6.50 a window. That is about as cheap as you can get, my friends.

The mistreatments did take a little getting used to -- after all there's now a lot more color than I had before. But, really, the fabric makes the whole kitchen so much warmer and inviting.

Great room is up next. That mistreatment is a little more involved, so it's going to take some time. But, I'll post the end result when it's finished.


  1. I agree. It's amazing how a little bit of fabric can warm up a room. And great choice of fabric. That red not only goes a long way in making for a cozy kitchen, but it really adds a 'zip' of color. Great job!

  2. They look great! I am not gifted in that department. You did a fabulous job!!

  3. LOVE it. You weren't kidding about the number of windows were you? :) You did a great job, and I really love your fabric...and the price. Congrats.

  4. You did great! Looking forward to seeing what you do in the next room. :)

  5. How crafty are you! OMGosh, I really should consider this. I have a set of 3 windows that really need something.

  6. I have one window in my kitchen with no blinds/curtains or anything. You have inspired me to have a go!

  7. I am so impressed, girl! You have TON of I think I might give these mistreatments a go...I have lived here for 7 years and I still don't have anything on my dining room and kitchen windows.

  8. YAY YOU! I'm so impressed.

    Want to come do mine? I got bare windows and bare walls.

    Generally I don't like something unless it costs a FORTUNE. So I go without.....

    But you have defied the odds! I'm impressed!

  9. You did an awesome job!

    I have a couple windows i've been meaning to Mis-treat as well. Wanna come over and help? ;)
