Tuesday, November 18, 2008

What's Working for Me...

by lifewiththree

This post was inspired by Sarah's over at whoorl. I call it "My Favorite Things" or "What's Totally Working for Me These Days."

1. Twilight movie -- As of this writing, there are 2 days, 1 hour, 1 minute and 38 seconds to the premiere. Not that I'm counting or anything. But, just so you know, my ticket for Saturday's 7:45 show was bought over a week and a half ago.

2. Twilight CD Soundtrack -- Just about as good as the book. Love. It.

3. Weleda Skin Food -- It's that time of year when my hands get dry and it feels like the tips of my fingers are snagging on everything I touch. Skin Food is the only cream I don't have to reapply 500 times in a day. One or two daily applications of this super thick (and great smelling) moisturizing cream makes my hands happy again.

4. Burt's Bees Lip Shimmer -- They say the average woman ingests about 4 pounds of lipstick over the course of her lifetime. If that's really the case, I'd prefer my lip color to be made of beeswax, vitamins and citrus oils, as opposed to petrochemicals, parabens and questionable minerals. Burt's Bees has made a great cross between a lipstick and a chapstick that provides natural, pretty color for mere pennies.

5. Relish! Weekly Menu Planner -- (More credit goes to Sarah on this one.) I hate menu planning. But, even more, I hate showing up at the grocery store with three kids in tow at 5 o'clock wondering what I'm going to make for dinner. So, I spend about an hour a week planning our meals, and complain about it the whole time. Know how much time I spent menu planning this week? 10 minutes. I chose my meals from the Relish list, then printed out my ready-made grocery list and recipes. It. Is. The. Bomb. Just this week we've enjoyed Chicken Stir Fry Lettuce Wraps with Ginger Rice, and Basil Jack Meatloaf with Cheddar Mashed Potatoes. For $7 a month, it's worth every stinkin' penny.

6. Word Girl -- Know how hard it is to find a superhero-inspired show that's appropriate for my 4-year-old son? It's nearly impossible. That's why I love PBS's Word Girl. It's cleverly written, sticks with a great superhero theme and teaches my child new words, all within the span of 30 minutes. This show is the reason my son climbed in our sun-baked minivan not too long ago and announced, "Mom, it's sweltering in here."

7. Pashmina Scarf -- My blogging pal Jane is Queen of the Scarf. She's inspired me to wear mine more often -- it adds a stylish flair to my outfits, without breaking the bank. I'd really love one in every color...

8. Shop it to Me -- Hat tip to my friend Heather who emailed me an invite for this clever personal shopping site. Just click on your favorite brands, and each week (or day) Shop it to Me will send you an email with the latest markdowns on those items. It takes the exhausting footwork out of finding a great deal. A couple weeks ago I bought a Juicy Couture bathing suit for next summer at 60 percent off.

9. Iced Green Tea -- Everyone's always espousing the benefits of drinking green tea, but whenever I make it, it ends up tasting bitter. I finally discovered the secret -- steep for only 3 minutes in very hot (not boiling) water. It comes out perfect. Throw in a little honey and serve it over ice -- it's a healthier version of sweet tea, with antioxidants to boot.

So, there you have it -- the things I'm totally loving right now. For more tips and ideas, head over to Shannon's place!


  1. Thanks! Hey, I have a question on Twilight. My 9 yr old girl loved the Harry Potter series, and my mom (works at a middle school) said she thought she would love Twilight. Is it appropriate for a 4th grader, in your opinion?

  2. You know how much I loved your Monday menu thingamabob. Now I'll have to go try out the one you suggested.

    No wonder my husband says my blogging friends are draining our bank account!

  3. For Susan, the previous commenter, I do NOT think Twilight is remotely appropriate for a 4th grader!! There's my humble opinion! :)

    And Michelle? PLEASE, oh pretty please . . . TELL me that your new bathing suit does NOT have the word JUICY displayed prominently on your assets! :) tee hee!

  4. Lori's comment reminded me that I forgot to post the email I had sent to Susan earlier today. For anyone else who might be interested, here's my two cents about who should see Twilight and/or read the books:

    Personally, I don't think it's appropriate for anyone under 15. The books are supposed to be "young adult," but there's a good deal of sexual tension running throughout. The movie is rated PG-13, and I'd be willing to bet that while the "physical contact" in the Twilight book never goes beyond kissing, I'm sure they amped it up for the movie (they always do).

    Your best bet is to read the book yourself -- that would give you the best feel for it (you could finish the book in a matter of days; it's a quick read). And, the books are awesome -- unbelievably addictive (just probably not appropriate for your daughter at her age). :)

    Hope that helps

  5. ooh I use burts bees too, but I ahve to say I think word girl is sometimes a little strange-what's with all the meat references? Or am I thinking of a different show?
    I wish I lived by you so I could see the movie with you-not ONE of my girlfriends has read the dang book yet!!!!!!

  6. LOVE this idea!! I may have to steal this (but I'll link to you). Isn't Polyvore so much fun?! I did a dream date post w/ Ryan Gosling a few months ago. So fun!

    I am definitely checking out the Relish website! Thanks for the heads up on that!

    Can't wait for Twilight!!!! We are seeing it at 9:30pm on Fri night!! Wooohooo!!

    Don't forget to come back to my blog and link up your review for Twilight if you write one.

  7. There are some great tips I will be following up - thanks Michelle.

  8. Thank God for PBS television! Honestly, I do not know if we would even watch TV in my house if it weren't for the witty and creative programming on that station.

    And how can you possibly live without a Relish subscription? It is my on-line Bible if you will.

    Thanks for such a great list! Enjoyed myself immensely. Will be curious to know if the Twilight movie is just as good (if not better) than the book.

  9. I enjoy reading Whoorl too! Although, she is not posting as often as she used to. :( I thought about doing my favorites list too after I saw hers, so I may just end up copying both of you! Now, I am interested in your thoughts on Twilight after you see it, you looked great in your pashmina at the blog party, I am definitely intrigued by the menu planning but even more so by the shopping site - JUICY for 60% off - WOW! My heart is beating faster as I type! :)

  10. Great tips! I need to print this out so I can remember all the tips. And fun idea for a post. I may have to try it too. Thanks!

  11. How was the movie? I just finished the book last night and can't wait to get the next one.
