Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The Final Verdict

Thank y'all so much for your help with my fashion crisis the other day. Here's what I ended up wearing to the par-tay last night -- it was the overall favorite, by a landslide:

It was super-comfy and very festive. I'm also going to count this outfit for Jane's Christmas Challenge: Wear an Outfit Inspired by a Song. My song "inspiration" was Back in Black, because I always seem to wear black every year for the Christmas party. :) But, hey. It works for me.


  1. You look great!!! The internet was right, that is definitely the outfit! I love it.
    Y'all are adorable.

  2. Love it--what an attractive couple! You can never go wrong with black ... well, unless perhaps you are going to a summer wedding on the beach at high noon or something ... perhaps ...

  3. You look lovely, and that's a great photo of the two of you :-)

  4. You look so cute! Very festive and flattering.

  5. Good choice! You guys look great!

  6. you look great! that outfit is a keeper!

  7. You are one SMOKIN' freaky internet friend!

  8. are you sure you had three kids?! you look great!

  9. You're such a hot mama. I strive to your level of scorchingness!

  10. You looked awesome. It's funny because I always end up in black at Christmas time too. But you had sparkles so its all good!

  11. Beautiful! You chose well. Hope you had fun at the party.

  12. Oh, you guys make a great looking couple! That outfit is perfect...YOU make IT look good, girl. :)
