Friday, January 23, 2009

Because I'm sure y'all are waiting for my words of wisdom...

My bloggy pal Jo-Lynne over at Musings of a Housewife is hosting a brand-spanking new weekly carnival called, "What I Learned This Week."

Isn't she too clever? I can't wait to play along -- not because I have weekly earth-shattering epiphanies, but perhaps writing such a post will help me be able to recognize the beauty in the small moments, yanno?

The idea is for the carnival to be fun and easy. Just write a post on what you've been learning over the past week -- it can be serious, funny, heartwarming, you name it. (Seeing as how I've been ankle-deep in vomit for the past three days, you can bet my post is going to be PRO-FOUND. I'm sure y'all will be on pins and needles all weekend wondering what words of wisdom I will espouse. Ha!)

All you've got to do is put your post up sometime on Tuesday, January 27th. Then, link up the post's permalink over at the Mr. Linky on Jo-Lynne's site. And, be sure and link back to her in your post so people know what's going on.

Then, go read some of the other participating posts and leave lots of comments. Everyone loves comments, y'all. Seriously. It can make or break a blogger's day. :)

That's it. Easy peasy. See ya next week! Have a great weekend!

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