Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Checking in...

Just a quick little post to let you know that we are all alive and well at the Life with Three household. We returned from a week-long trip visiting family in sunny Florida on Saturday.

I discovered over vacation that, this post notwithstanding, my morning cup of coffee is like liquid gold. My brother-in-law and his wife don't drink coffee, and by Wednesday, hubs and I were stumbling around in a decaffeinated haze. We finally hit the local Dunkin' Donuts in search of caffeine. At the first sip of that coffee, I can assure you the heavens did open and the angels did sing. It was a beautiful thing. Oh, morning caffeine. How I have missed you.

The kids are in school today -- all except Grace, who is happily playing at my feet. I'm so behind in my blog reading -- I've missed you all! Hopefully, I'll be tackling my reader in the next few days to see what y'all have been up to.

In the meantime, I've got to get the house sorted -- it looks like a bomb went off. There are bags to unpack, laundry to do and a Christmas tree that is STILL up (so much for my plans to take it down the day after Christmas!).

I am posting over at Chic Critique tomorrow -- and I'm giving you the heads up now -- it's going to feature a fantabulous giveaway. Really. You don't want to miss it.

Happy New Year, everyone!


  1. Good to see you posting again! Happy New Year.

  2. You are SO not alone in your overwhelmingedness. Yes, I totally made up that word but it works doesn't it?

    Welcome back Michelle. May the fun begin...

  3. GOing without coffee????

    It would never happen with me. I would have found myself a Target, bought a coffee pot and kept it in the room where I was sleeping!

    And I'm only half kidding.

    I'm glad you are back home from the holidays!

  4. Welcome back...you were missed!

    I hear ya on the coffee/caffeine addiction. I was very crabby on vacation for the same reason. Thank goodness for Starbucks drive thrus.

    You get the prize for having your tree up the longest...because you had yours up earlier than anyone else I know!

  5. Welcome back. May your cup overflow with caffeine!

  6. oh, I know all about that liquid gold-the nectar from the gods!good to hear from ya!
