Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Hey there! Remember me?

I'm a little "off" this week. Over the weekend I headed to Myrtle Beach with my sister for a scrapbooking retreat. It was the first time I picked up my scrapbooking supplies in months. It felt so good to catch up on our albums. But somehow, even though I was gone for only two days, I feel like I've been gone a week. It's been hard to get back in the swing of things -- and this poor little blog has been sorely neglected.

To top it all off, Josh came down with a stomach bug early this morning, and I'm starting to feel a little woozy myself. But, before things really go downhill, I wanted to share a couple neat things with y'all.

It's been cold in Georgia, but not nearly as cold as up north. If you're looking for the perfect winter comfort food recipe, try this Creamy Chipotle Chicken Tortellini with White Beans and Cilantro that Jenny posted. I could eat the entire pot in one sitting. Unbelieveably good.

Jo-Lynne gave me the heads up on this next one. Audrey's tip on how to fit pants without trying them on is amazing and really works! It will forever change my shopping excursions with kids in tow. Where was this information two kids ago? :)

Finally, I recently discovered a pure, organic "magic soap." It's now a staple in our family. Curious? Go check it out.

With that, I'm off to be nurse for the day. Stay warm and healthy, y'all!


  1. Come back!!!! I miss you!

    Take care of your little guy and get him well first though. He has priority over the blog!

    So...that recipe looks delish. The last recipe you suggested from that site was a hit at my house, so I'll be anxious to try this one too.

    And the pants tip made me laugh...but it makes a lot of thank you!

  2. oh that stomach bug is a killer this year. it went through my family... not once... TWICE!

    take care!

  3. Oh yum. That recipe sounds delicious! You already know I'm a fan of the recipes/recipe links you post...

    Glad you're doing well. I've been missing your posts!

  4. Yum. Tortellini!

    If you want to show any of your album pages I'd love to see them. Link them up to my "finished for Friday" post next Friday.

    So sorry to hear about the stonach bug!

  5. Hope you guys are on the mend, and I am so grateful for the neck-waist trick. Thanks for sharing!!

  6. Love the pant trick, never heard of it but will be trying it out - maybe in my closet tonight! Hope everyone is feeling better soon.
