Wednesday, February 4, 2009

iPosture: Your Personal Posture Coach

Hey, I'm over at Chic Critique today offering help to the slouchers of the world!

Chic Critique is coming up on it's one-year blogoversasry, btw, and we want to know if we're on the right track. If you've been a regular reader of Chic Critique, or pop over there on occassion, would you be willing to help some sisters out? We've set up a super-brief survey. Your answers will help us figure out where we take Chic Critique next. And it will only take a few minutes. Muchos gracias!

Today, I’m going to share a simple beauty tip that will make you instantly look five pounds thinner, while also helping you to appear more confident and self-assured.

Are you ready?

Here it is: Stand up straight.

Good posture can cover a multitude of sins. It’s one of the first things people notice about you. When we slouch, we not only reduce our height, but our chest appears smaller, our belly “pooches,” and we can even experience lower back pain.

Standing up straight should be simple. But, it’s not.

I should know. I am, like many women, a habitual sloucher.

For the sake of illustrating a point, I managed to dig out a couple of candid shots of myself taken at my daughter’s birthday party. (read more at Chic Critique)


  1. Michelle...I have HORRIBLE posture. I really, really need to look into this! Thank you for making me aware of something so helpful.

  2. That's an incredible little invention. I tend to slouch too, especially when I'm at the computer desk.
