Thursday, May 22, 2008

On the Eve of Summer Vacation

Getting ready for your last day in Pre K.

You can write your name. First and last.

You've learned your address.

And your phone number.

You can tell your left from your right (better than I can).

You're even starting to read.

You can swing all by yourself -- no need for a push.

You make it across the monkey bars in a single try.

Where is the baby?

She's long gone now.

A little girl stands in her place, her eyes toward kindergarten,

anxious and excited for things to come.

I can't wait to see how high you'll soar.


  1. beautiful post once again!

    this makes me think of my ash. she's not the baby i kept thinking she is. she's a full blown girl now. i can't even shop at the little girl section anymore...

  2. This is beautiful!!! I am so glad I found your blog tonight!!!!

  3. Very sweet post!

    Also, the left and right thing...I am still so horrible about that!

  4. Oh, so very sweet. Isn't it funny how seeing them grow up makes you both happy and sad at the same time?


    I found your blog through Beachy Mimi, and I noticed that you had the same favorite song as I do, so I just had to come and comment! It doesn't get any better than His Eye is on the Sparrow. :)

  5. You know that almost brought a tear to my eye. They do grow up so fast, it's bittersweet.

  6. This made me smile and want to cry -all at the same time!
