Monday, May 26, 2008

What's for Dinner This Week

I'm late in getting this week's menu plan up -- the holiday weekend has me a little bit off schedule. Would you believe the one meal I was dying to try last week was the one that I ended up rolling over for this week? I just didn't get a chance to make it, so you'll have to wait until next week for my review of Oprah's Mar-a-Lago Turkey Burgers. You'll be waiting with bated breath, I'm sure! ;)

I did have great success with two new recipes last week. The Salmon and Feta Pasta was delicious and the Southwest Black Bean Salad was to die for! Both are super simple dishes that are full of flavor and ideal for summer. I highly recommend both.

This week, I'm trying to keep things simple. Be sure and check out the recipe for the Orzo Salad. It is one of my all-time favorite summer salads. I make it regularly once the temperatures start to warm up.

Monday: Mexican Pizza, Green Beans, Fruit
Tuesday: Oprah's Favorite Turkey Burgers, Oven Fries, Peas
Wednesday: Dinner Out
Thursday: Honey Mustard Grilled Chicken, Corn, Green Beans
Friday: Leftovers
Saturday: Turkey Meatloaf Sandwiches, Chips, Orzo Salad
Sunday: Spinach and Artichoke Calzones, Salad, Fruit

(If you're looking for an easy, downloadable menu planner, you'll find a great one here.)

For more great menu-planning ideas, don't forget to head over and visit Laura!


  1. I just love honey mustard grilled chicken! Yum! And the orzo salad looks really good, I will have to try that!

    Have a terrific week,


  2. It's funny that you posted this yesterday, but it didn't show up on Bloglines until about 7:30 a.m. on Tuesday. Hmmm . . . anyway . . . Are you really making dinner TONIGHT?!?! I hope that your Wednesday dinner out is because of a special occasion! Happy Birthday Michelle!


  3. I am so glad you enjoyed the Salmon and Feta Pasta. It's a huge hit over here, too.
    The menu looks great.
    Have a wonderful week.

  4. Yes, you'll have to share a review of the turkey burgers. I want to make them too but the chef on the Oprah show that day said that the Major Grey's Chutney was the secret ingredient and I can't find it anywhere! I know I could order it online, but, I haven't been that motivated I guess. The honey mustard chicken and calzones look DE-lish. I'll have to try! Thanks.

  5. Oh, I might have to try that black bean salad.

  6. your menus always sound so well planned out and yummy.

    how do you get your kids to try new foods? i always wanted to have a menu like yours but my oldest always refuses to try new things.

    any ideas?

  7. wait... just read a comment posted...

    what's this? a birthday???

    Happy Birthday!

  8. OMG! I tried the salmon and pasta dish also and it was equally a huge success. In fact I had the leftovers for lunch yesterday!
