Sunday, July 20, 2008

Apparently, she feels the need to make it official...

My 5-year-old daughter Jillian is an event planner in training. Hardly a day goes by when she is not busying herself with the details of the next great celebration she's thought up.

A few weeks ago, when I found myself a little under the weather, I discovered Jilly at the kitchen table designing invitations for my Get Well Party. She had already created a guest list. And planned the food.

Make no mistake, Jilly takes parties very seriously.

Well, it's a new day, so that means a new party is already in the works. This one has had Jilly rushing around in a flurry of activity. You see, it's a very important event. It's a "Crowning Party" (we adults would refer to it as a coronation). Who's getting crowned, you ask? Why Jilly, naturally.

This is the first "Jilly party" we've actually had to rehearse for. Jilly sits on a pillow in the middle of the floor, draws a name from a hat and that lucky person is the one to place the crown on her head and declare her "Princess of the Family."

Her words, not mine.

Josh (3) was the most recent one to be chosen as "crown presenter" and he was practically giddy about it. He ran up excitedly to the make-shift throne where Jilly insisted he bow before placing the crown on her head. Ever the willing servant, Josh happily obliged.

Jilly doesn't think I've caught on, but I'm pretty sure I know what's inspiring this latest celebration. It's all about the "Race to the Throne." Grace (1) isn't old enough to realize what's happening and clearly Jilly's seizing the opportunity to lock in her position while she's got the chance.

That, my friends, is one smart princess.


  1. Oh, oh, smart princess indeed. Secure the throne while you have little to no competition. :) How cute that she plans parties for can come and plan Savannah's next b-day party for me, ok, Jilly?

  2. Now that is funny. I can picture my daughter doing that to her brothers.

  3. Do you see an event planning career in her future? The next little Colin Cowie perhaps?

  4. This is the FUNNIEST post all day. LOL! Thank you so much for sharing it.

  5. Now THAT is some FUNNY stuff! :)

    A. Nonymous

  6. So fast forward 2 years and this may be what I have going on around my house huh? So, what does one where to a coronation?

  7. Jilly's a girl after my own heart! I am always looking for something to celebrate!

    She;s a lot smarter than me though! I have never thought to have a Crowning Party...I may try that....


  8. LOL!

    And can I just say, I still love your design. I think it's one of my favorites.

  9. So... check out my blog cause I sort of made you the first Little Fish.


  10. That is a riot. What a character she must be.

    PS The Spaz sent me - your Little Fish idea is working already :).

  11. The Spaz sent me to your site, too.

    I just have to say that your Jilly reminds me of my oldest daughter. We have three daughters, but she is always saying, "That's ok, because I know I'm your favorite daughter." If she had thought of it, I'm sure she would have crowned herself "princess of the family."

    My youngest daughter has always called herself "the baby of the family" which is sort of similar, don't you think?

  12. A "crowning party". That is freaking brilliant, actually.

    I want to throw one for myself. Does Jillian have free time to help me plan my party?

  13. I love it! I want a crowning party!

  14. That is SO something my princess would do. And her brothers are always willing participants. Some day I will humiliate them in front of their Prom dates with pictures of them in Cinderella dresses.
