Saturday, July 19, 2008

I'm joining the Par-Tay!

Hi, welcome to Life with Three! I'm Michelle. I've only been blogging for about four months so, truth be told, I probably haven't really earned the right to attend that big ol' blogging conference in San Francisco.

But, that doesn't change the fact that I still really wanted to go.

My husband says it's the first sign of addiction.

He's probably right.

But, if I can't be at BlogHer, at least I can still take a little tour of the blogosphere and make some new friends.

So, please excuse the mess. Come on in, make yourself comfy and let me grab you a big tall glass of sweet tea. Feel free to take a look around -- it's never a dull moment around here. I've been known to share some crazy moments, like when I was trying to get a lizard out of the house or the time I flashed everyone at Mother's Day brunch. But whether I'm learning more about raising boys or celebrating my baby's latest milestone, it's ultimately the small, quiet moments that bring me the biggest joy.

Thanks for stopping by. I hope to see you again, and I can't wait to visit all of you!
(And, if you're looking for another place to meet some great bloggers, go check out my pal Domestic Spaz -- she's hosting an "I'm Not Going to BlogHer Margarita Party!")


  1. came to the party! I haven't read your Mother's Day brunch story yet, so I'm heading over there now...

  2. Nice to meet you! I totally love your design, super pretty.

  3. Ahhhhh...sweet tea! Mmmmm...

    You have a LOVELY place here! It's nice to meet you!


  4. Here for the party. Your lizard story had me ROTFL! Not only because it's funny but because I just got off the phone with my mom and she is going through the same thing. She says she won't be able to sleep since it darted under her bed!!! The neighbor boys were called in for the hunt but they did not succeed!

  5. You have a lovely site. nice to meet you!

  6. Hi Michelle,
    You must be one busy lady with the ages of your wee ones! Thanks for visiting my party. Blessings...

  7. Oh wow, your "flashing everyone at Mother's Day brunch" post had me laughing out loud. Thanks for inviting us in for a little partying. It was really nice to "meet" you.

  8. my mothers days just involve me doing nothing and eating BBQ with my parents. Wow, see you at Blogher next year.

  9. Blog carnivals are SUCH a good way to meet new friends... and to be met, too. :)

    Isn't blogging fun?

  10. This seems like fun. I think I may have to join in.

  11. How fun! And you have sweet tea? I'm totally overstaying my welcome, okay?

  12. Parties like these are very fun, it's such a good way to find new bloggers to visit!

  13. Hi there! Nice to meet you. Your blog looks great, so you'll probably see me around. Please stop by sometime.

  14. I'm very late, but is there any sweet tea left? I love me some sweet tea.

  15. In an instant, I can tell we'd be fast friends. One just knows these things.

    Slowly, I'm making my way through the entire BLOGHOP list, daggum it. I sooo want to meet & greet everyone.

    I'm a fan of sweet tea, and anyone who's a bona fide flasher must be alright ;).

    Thanks for joining in, and I do hope you'll drop back in at my place for more thrills and excitement...or at least a smile :).
