Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Man Cold

Leah over at Style for the Stay at Home Mom (awesome blog -- so glad you're getting back to posting, Leah!) posted this on Monday. Because it has had me cracking up all week, I couldn't resist posting it over here.

Now, I'm not into man-bashing and I hardly ever complain about my husband because -- honestly -- he is as good as gold. But I'd be lying if I told you I couldn't relate to the glimmer of truth in this clip.

For those of us living on this side of the pond: 999 is like calling 911, Lem Sips is an over-the-counter cold remedy (like Thera Flu) and Cbeebies is like Playhouse Disney.


  1. This is hilarious! And yes, I am married to a saint...but when he has a cold? Call 999!

  2. Hahahahaha! SOOOOO true. That made my day.

  3. Oh my word...hysterical! This literally made me laugh out loud. I dearly love my hubby, but it's quite a sight when he gets sick. Man cold, indeed!

  4. Why are guys like this? My husband is so much worse than my kids?

    Hilarious video! Thanks for the laugh! "I called 999"

  5. that is too funny! Thanks for sharing.

  6. Nice to see modern women are so caring and sympathetic towards their husbands.
