Friday, December 19, 2008

Christmas Meme

I've seen this one on a few blogs -- so, I'm gonna give it whirl...

Wrapping paper or gift bags? I'm guilty of using the gift bag if I need to wrap something in a hurry, but really, it's a lot more fun when a present is wrapped up in paper.

Real tree or artificial? Artificial all the way. Although our artificial tree does look remarkably real. I am not a houseplant kind of gal, so the whole "watering the tree" business would never happen. If we had a real tree, it would probably lose all its needles by Christmas morning.

When do you put up the tree? This year, my husband and the kids put it up super early. Usually, we do it over Thanksgiving weekend.

When do you take the tree down? Growing up, we never took the tree down before the Epiphany (Jan. 6). It had to do with some old Italian tradition of not taking the tree down until the Magi saw Jesus, which I guess was on the Epiphany. This year, I'm hoping to get it down the day after Christmas.

Do you like eggnog? No. The very word makes me throw up a little in my mouth.

Favorite gift received as a child? My roller skates. I never took them off my feet for the next two weeks. I so wanted to be Olivia Newton John in Xanadu.

Hardest person to buy for? My in-laws.

Easiest person to buy for? My kids.

Do you have a Nativity scene? Two -- one is a Fontanini set that we got for our wedding and the other is Fisher Price.

Mail or email Christmas cards? I love to mail them. Although this year, I might be emailing a few of the international ones.

Worst Christmas gift you ever received? I'm coming up blank on this one.

Favorite Christmas movie? White Christmas. The. All. Time. Best.

When do you start shopping for Christmas? I'm one of those annoying people who shops for Christmas all year long.

Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? Nope.

Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Cookies!

Lights on the tree? Of course. They're white. Which the kids don't like. But I let them have colored lights in their rooms, because I'm not all Grinch. :)

Favorite Christmas song? O Holy Night

Travel at Christmas or stay home? We're home for Christmas and then we visit my husband's family the week after.

Can you name all of Santa's reindeer? Of course.

Open the presents Christmas Eve or Christmas morning? Christmas morning

Most annoying thing about this time of year? Shopping in stores. I did 95% of my shopping online this year. In my pajamas. With a cup of coffee in hand. LOVES me.

Favorite ornament theme or color? We do a mix -- and that's what makes me love our ornament collection all the more.

What do you want for Christmas this year? I'm finally breaking down and asking for a velour hoodie/pant set. It's going to be so comfy. I might never take it off.


  1. My mom always left her tree up until Epiphany too, but I like getting it down the day after Christmas. One year my inlaws came after Christmas and I was bummed I had to leave it up for them. They all made fun of me b/c I took it down one night after they all went to bed. I just get tired of it taking up space and after awhile it feels too much like clutter to me.

    Oh, Xanadu. Haven't thought about that in ages, but here I am singing it in my head now.

    My kids each have a Fontanini nativity. It's so pretty, isn't it?

    Have you ever seen the old movie, Holiday Inn? Bing Crosby sings White Christmas in it...I like it better than White Christmas.

    And the velour hoodie set? Perfection. I love mine...wear it lots and lots. Hope you find one under your tree.

    Sorry if this is the longest comment ever. Lots of fun stuff to comment on.

  2. cute- although it is annoying that you shop all year long :):)Velour hoodies all the way!!!

  3. Fun list! Since we have a real tree, that we set up Thanksgiving weekend, it must come down well before Jan 6. YIKES!

  4. I SO want a velour set too! They look amazingly comfortable.

    Oh Holy Night is the best Christmas song beautiful and worshipful.
