Sunday, April 20, 2008

How About Some Bling?

***UPDATED: This giveaway is now closed****

My obsession with jewelry started young.

In 5th grade, as part of a long, drawn out Madonna phase, I wore rubber bracelets up to my elbow. On both arms. Every day.

When I tired of those, I moved on to long strands of pearls. Then it was dangly earrings. Closely followed by gaudy, plastic charm necklaces (anyone remember those?). In short, if there was a girly bauble to be had, it would inevitably find its way to my overstuffed jewelry box.

These days my style is (thankfully) a little more subdued, but my love of all things shiny and pretty is alive and well. So, for this giveaway I thought it would be fun to "spread the bling."

This is a sterling silver pendant on an 18" box chain, set with a blue topaz. I have a similar necklace that I wear almost daily. It looks just as good with jeans as it does with dresses. It would make a great gift for yourself or someone you love.

For a chance to win this pendant, simply leave a comment on this post by 10 p.m. on Friday, April 25th. One comment per person please (duplicates will be deleted). You do NOT have to have a blog to play along, but please provide a valid email address where I can contact you. I'm willing to ship internationally, but I'm not sure how the duty and taxes will work on your end. (If you're willing to handle that part, please feel free to enter.) I will randomly draw a winner and notify you via email over the weekend.

Thanks for stopping by and good luck! Oh, and don't forget to check out all the other fantastic prizes up for grabs this week as part of the Bloggy Giveaways Carnival!


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Unknown said...

Love the color! Perfect.

LeAnn said...

Wow! That is gorgeous! Thank you for the opportunity to check out your jewelry :)

Audra said...

So Pretty! thanks for the great giveaway!

Katie said...

very pretty! thank you!

Teri said...

Oh awesome! I love jewelry & these are beautiful! Thanks for your generosity!

Elena said...

This is really pretty! Thanks for the contest!

Anonymous said...

That is so pretty! Thanks for this giveaway!

Jinxy and Me said...

These are sooo pretty!

Carole Burant said...

Omigosh, what a simply gorgeous pendant!! Please enter my name in your giveaway. Thank you!! xo

Renee said...

It is very pretty!! I love bling too, even with blue jeans! *smile*


Dooneybug said...

Those are gorgeous, enter me please!

Anonymous said...

that is so pretty!

Unknown said...

HOw beautiful please enter me in your contest

Tee said...

I am similar to a crow...I love shiny things but do not have the budget at this time to get something new. Thanks for offering such a beautiful piece of jewelry! said...

Beautiful - blue is my favorite color...and silver? the best. thanks!

Uniquely Yours said...

This is my mother's birth stone. It would be perfect for mother's day.

Amy ~ (Life's Small Treasures) said...

So very pretty! Please include me in your drawing. Thanks~Amy

Alaina said...

What a beautiful necklace! I totally remember the plastic charm necklaces - I LOVED them. My sister even had a plastic charm belt - I was so jealous. :)

Jessica said...

Love these! Count me in please!

Shepherd Family ACALPM said...

I loved going through my mom's jewelry box when I was little and sadly find even as an adult I still like to... My daughter is constantly digging in mine!

Stephanie said...

Beautiful piece of jewelry.

mamaredhead said...

Oh very pretty! I wear mostly gold but have been thinking about branching out some to include some silver! Thanks for your generosity...

Outnumbered 4 to 1 said...

This is gorgeous!!!! I love jewelry I'd gladly take it :)

Huguette En said...

Very nice ♥ Please count me in :)

Paisley said...

Such a pretty necklace! Please enter me in your giveaway!

Dani' said...

I want this, I have some earrings that would match.

Lesley said...

Oh, that's just gorgeous! Thanks for the great giveaway!

Anonymous said...

This is a beautiful necklace, I love blue topaz.

Meredith A. said...

How beautiful! I love the color!

Jennifer said...

Gorgeous! Thanks for the giveaway. I love blue topaz.

Lisa @ The Plain-Spoken Pen said...

Beautiful pendant! It would go with a lot of different things, and it's pretty without being fussy. Just what I like!

Rashmi said...

Count me in. I love bling!

I’m having FIVE GIVEAWAYS on my blogS as well. Hope you’ll stop by.

callmeabookworm at

LadyVampire2u said...

Such a beautiful pendant. Please count me in for the drawing and thanks. Good luck to everyone!

M.E. said...

Love it, so pretty! Enter me, too!

Toystory said...

The prize is very beautiful... fingers crossed that I win!!

Giabella Designs said...

Holy Cow that is pretty!

Cristina said...

Those are amazing. What a great giveaway! I hope I win :)

Fedora said...

That is gorgeous! I'd love it--I think my kids are old enough not to teeth on it anymore :)

f dot chen at comcast dot net

Unknown said...

I LOVE blue topaz. A friend has a huge blue topaz ring and I covet it every time I see it. (Yes, I know coveting is bad.)

If I won I would probably wear these everyday! I'm obsessive like that.

Unknown said...

I love blue and jewelry :)


Mandy said...

This jewelry is utterly gorgeous, thank you for such a generous giveaway!:) I love that you could dress is up or even wear it on a regular day.

Crystal said...

Thanks for the opportunity to get some bling!

Anonymous said...

Love the simple elegance of this lovely necklace. Thank you for shareing!

kiley said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jhianna said...

That's very beautiful, gorgeous color! (Come visit my blog, I'm giving away jewelry too!)

Queen of the Marginally Bright

sascha said...

I enjoyed your "Heard around the Minivan" page. It made me chuckle, and reminded me of a few zingers my kids have bandied about. Thank you for the opportunity to enter your giveaway.

Tara V said...

Wow, that is beautiful!!
Thanks for the great giveaway.
Tara V

Anonymous said...

Oh, enter me this would be the perfect gift for one of the nursing home residents I read too.
M. Waters

LivingforGod said...

So pretty! Please count me in. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Enter me, please. Thank you!

Trish said...

That is such a beautiful necklace - thank you for offering it!

Ilissa said...

This is beautiful. I really love the style. Count me in!

msrodeobrat said...

zthis is beautiful

Linda said...

These would match my blue eyes perfectly (Ha!)...the earrings are beautiful.

Thank you for the great giveaway!

Katie said...

What a wonderful giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win!


Shama-Lama Mama said...

I was going to say its my birthstone, but mine is aquamarine. Same color! Close enough for me! I love the curve in the silver. So nice!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful necklace!

Holly (2 Kids and Tired) said...

Lovely! Great giveaway. Thanks for offering it!

A Mom Two Boys said...

Gorgeous! That's my birthstone!


Mrs. Mandy said...

I bet this looks great with jeans and a sweater

Chantelle said...

beautiful! thankyou!

Alitheia said...

What a lovely giveaway, thanks for offering this =)

Anonymous said...

Love this! Please enter me!

monky said...

How beautiful!!!

Thank you for the great giveaway!



AudreyO said...

I love the color. I'd love to win this. Thanks!!!

Terri Dell said...

Beautiful earrings. With 14 ear piercings I am always looking for something new to wear.

Anonymous said...

The jewelry is beautiful! I'm a big fan of blue :)

Thank you much!

Channah said...

Thanks for the great giveaway!

katklaw777 said...

Very pretty! good mothers day present. thnx

striving... said...

Very pretty thanks for the chance. This would look lovely with the new dress i got.

mom2boys said...

very beautiful! I love silver and blue is my favorite color. I would love to win this. Thanks for the great giveaway!

Susanne said...

Pretty! Count me in!
sanashby at hotmail(dot)com

Neen said...

Love it! Thanks for the great giveaway.

Jeanette J said...

What a lovely prize. Please enter me

Dawn said...

This is so gorgeous!

Thanks for the giveaway!

Peculiar said...

Love it!! I wear sterling silver if I wear jewelry on my body, and it's usually with natural stones or gems. I love the idea of wearing this with jeans and a nice shirt. Count me in.

Anonymous said...

Love it, can't have enough jewelry.
vickers at comcast dot net

Mel said...

The blue is gorgeous. Please count me in.

Sarah said...

That is so beautiful. I love it!

Elizabeth Mather said...

these are so pretty!!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous! My mother's and sister's birthstone, this may just have to be handed over to them as a surprise gift from me! Thanks! meg (dot) wilson (at) gmail (dot) com

Kristine said...

So beautiful! I'd love to be entered! Thanks so much!!

robynl said...

a lovely blue and I can see me wearing it with my jean capris.


Re said...

Great giveaway! I hope i'm the lucky winner :)

lyn21 said...

Love them

Lori said...

I was expecting something far more bland, but when I scrolled down, my eyes popped! Lovely.

*Oh and as for shipping, if you label it 'gift' it should escape the duty.
The postman told me that:)

Di~ said...

Yes, I do remember those plastic charm bracelets! I love your "taste" now! Cute blog too! That pendant would match my skirt for my daughter's wedding next month! Thanks from Idaho!

mommy-2-3 said...

very nice!

LeeAnn said...

So beautiful...thanks for the giveaway!

Alicia said...

I love it!!

Please enter me...


Chantelle said...

How cool! Thank you. Please enter me.

Jodi said...

Really pretty!! I love the color! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

this would look grat with my jeans, and probably get me to wear my jeans more often! HA!

fertawert AT yahoo DOT com

pam said...

Cute cute. Can you post where you bought it? My sister's bday is Nov and she'd love this.

Nise' said...

My daughter would love this necklace as she is a silver girl! She has to wear black, white or gray to work and adds jewelry to liven up her look. Thanks for stopping by my blog and entering my giveaway.

Sandy said...

My favorite color... ok, one of my favorite colors! Gorgeous!

Rockin' Mama said...

Gorgeous bling!!!!

yadgirl said...

These are beautiful.

Count me in!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! I loves sterling silver jewelry.

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