Saturday, January 24, 2009

Bloggy Giveaway: One Free Year of Menu Planning

***UPDATE: Congratulations to Angela who blogs at Nine More Months! And, thanks to everyone who took the time to play along! ***

Each week, I sit down and create a plan for our weekly dinners.

It has never been my favorite chore. It takes a good deal of time and involves me shuffling through a lot of recipes.

But I do it.

Because you know what's worse than planning weekly meals?

Walking into a grocery store at 5 p.m. on a weeknight with three kids in tow and asking, "What should I make for dinner tonight?"

That's pretty much my definition of hell on earth.

So, I choose to menu plan. I used to do it begrudgingly (and with a fair amount of complaining), until a couple months ago when I discovered Relish!.

Relish! is a menu planning service. Each week, they email me a new list of 10 dinners I can choose to prepare. I choose five meals from the Relish! list, then print out my ready-made grocery list and recipes.

It. Is. The. Bomb.

Meal planning now takes all of 10 minutes.

The delicious recipes are super-simple and are labeled with tags like "kid friendly," "vegetarian," and "lower calorie" for convenience. This week we're enjoying Chicken Stir Fry Lettuce Wraps with Ginger Rice, Spinach Pie with Pine Nuts and Apple Salad, and Pacific Flat Iron Steaks with Roasted Sweet Potatoes and Pears.

What's more, Relish! even offers customized menus for family movie nights (think Kung Pao Chicken for a screening of Kung Fu Panda), theme parties, lunches and monthly freezer menus.

Now, here's the great news: The ladies over at Relish! have generously donated a one-year subscription to their service to one lucky winner.

That's one-year of having someone plan your weekly dinners! The only thing better than that is a personal chef , and unfortunately, I couldn't find one of those to give away. ;-)

So, here's how to enter:

1) Leave a comment telling me whether or not you sit down and make a weekly meal plan. (Comments that don't answer that question will be deleted!)

2) OPTIONAL: Get a second entry for twittering the contest. Just be sure to leave a second comment so you get your second entry.

3) OPTIONAL: You can get a third entry by subscribing to Life with Three. Again, just leave a second comment saying you did so.

This giveaway ends at 11:59 p.m. Eastern (8:59 p.m. Pacific) on Friday, January 30th, 2009. Winner will be determined by the good ol' random number generator.

So get commenting -- and don't forget to go and check out the hundreds of other fantabulous giveaways going on this week as part of the Bloggy Giveaways Quarterly Carnival!

And...don't forget to check out my other giveaway for a custom-made cape and mask set -- perfect for the pint-sized superhero or princess in your life!

Good luck y'all!


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Melissa said...

I don't regularly meal plan although I try to do so and have found that the weeks I do make a meal plan are easier weeks!

Tim, Allyson, and kids said...

I try to meal plan on a bi-weekly basis.

Tim, Allyson, and kids said...

I subscribed

Tim, Allyson, and kids said...

I twittered "heart4home"

Jane said...

It is 2.30pm UK time and I will be collecting my youngest from school (with a friend) then on to pick th ebigger two up and then on to football practice.
I have no idea what I will cook when I get in with 5 hungry children at 5pm.
I must get organised.
The only problem I have is my family is so fussy (including me).
I eat fish but not meat.
My youngest son hates chicken.
My second oldest will only eat plain food.
My eldest and daughter will mainly eat anything.
You can see why I put this task off!

Shawnee said...

I do menu plan, usually irregularly, but I've been on task since the new year and post at Org Junkie's Menu Plan Mondays.
shawneeh at yahoo(dot)com

rebecca said...

Yes, I sit down and plan... however, it is rare that I stick to it for various reasons, including not having all the ingredients!

gitrecca at gmail dot com

AudreyO said...

I do not plan ahead. In fact I'm worse than most. I stop by the store almost daily to pick up what I'm going to make that day. I just don't plan ahead. Ok, unless it's crockpot night and then I plan ahead :)

msrodeobrat said...

i do not make meal plan, but before i go shopping and buy whatever i see, i do try to look through a cook book or two and see if theres anything i would like to make so i can be sure and have the ingredients

Rachel said...

I should plan ahead. I have good intentions of planning ahead. When I do actually plan it out our budget is happier. In fact, I think I should go do that now. I'd love to win.

Norberto Kurrle said...

I've just started meal planning last year and I'm still a little irregular, but I do see how helpful it is in saving time and money!

Heather said...

I plan my meals every two weeks for my twice a month grocery shopping.

Anonymous said...

I don't really plan out a weekly plan. I buy what's on sale, and then try to use that in my meals. But I usually have one or two meals in mind when I go to the store.

Tracey said...

I buy on sale and then plan weekly around that!

Storm, The Psychotic Housewife said...

I sit down and plan the menu every Sunday night.

That would be nice to win a personal chef, wouldn't it? LOL

Erin Lowmaster said...

I make weekly meal plans I have done more than that but would love to try.

Erin Lowmaster said...

I subscribed with my reader.

Anonymous said...

I plan weekly meals-it is a chore! But as you said, it's better (and cheaper)to plan ahead!

Anonymous said...

I hardly ever sit down and make a menu plan for the week. :(

Anonymous said...

I subscribed to your feed via RSS

Cari said...

I've tried in the past to make a weekly/monthly meal plan, but got lazy and didn't stick with it. Plus I was always making the same things over and over again. I am a mom to three ages 9-6-4, and with all three playing soccor in the spring, this would be a great help to our family.

Unknown said...

DH and I just started planning meals (ok, I plan the meals, but he decided it needs to be done weekly rather than sporadically) This sounds like a dream come true. I think I hear the hallelujah chorus!

Ginny said...

I have never made a meal plan but I want to start. I know it saves money grocery shopping which is a goal this year of mine!

Gene and Annie said...

I have had months where I do it and it works so well but then I seem to get off track! So yes and no! My goal this year is to do it regularily!!

Unknown said...

I have never meal planned but from what I have herd it has really helped with sticking with a budget as well as knowing what your going to cook. This would be great.

CaseyDeuce said...

I attempt to stay as organized as possible and try to meal plan as much as possible. It usually works better for planning only dinners, no breakfasts or lunches for me.

Re said...

i dont sit down and plan, but i do plan meals according to whats on sale that week at he grocers. great giveaway!

fancyfeet48 said...

I buy weekly and get sale items

Anonymous said...

I've meal plan off and on ~ but after awhile I realized I made the same things over and over again so I just keep the "basics" at home.

Lindsey said...

I actually really like to menu-plan, I find it rather relaxing to sort through cookbooks. This would make it much faster, though and with a new baby any time helps.

Losito said...

Sometimes I plan, sometimes I don't. It always works better when I do!!

Carrie said...

I used to sit down and plan with my husband, but then we had our first child and that went all to pieces. I really need to start doing that again though, it saved a lot of time and energy!

ariyana9501 said...

I use to menu-plan monthly, just like my mom, but it got to be tiring, and I quit over a year ago. I'd love to try this!

Kim @ Homesteader's Heart said...

Honestly there are weeks that I do and weeks that I do a fly by on my pantry at supper time LOL. I would love this.
Please count me in.

Christina Lee said...

no planning going on here-i am usually in a rut making the same stuff over and over again like a bad dream!!!

Anonymous said...

I too sit down on Sunday nights and plan our meals for the week. I do not like to do it because I feel I choose the same meals over and over again. This would be great to win.

okaat said...

I dont make a regular meal plan for the week, but i try to stock my pantry with foods that are needed for meal planning. I buy on sale an in bulk to save time and money. I should really consider making a weekly food plan.

Sheila Hickmon said...

I try to make a menu, but I hardly ever end up fixing what I planned!

Sheila Hickmon said...

I tweeted!

Shelley Johnson said...

I try to meal plan but I stink at it! Usually I end up getting take out all the time. I would really love Relish.

Bloggytime20 (a) yahoo dot com

Gina said...

I meal plan twice a month because that's when my husband gets paid! I would be lost without a meal plan!

MamaGames - Alexa C. said...

I am consistently INCONSISTENT! Some weeks I do sit down and make a meal plan (usually only Sunday through Thursday, though, and we wing it on the weekends) and other weeks I muddle my way through. I would LOVE a year of meal-planning!

Christina said...

We don't make a weekly meal plan at all. When I prepare a grocery list, we try to think of what we might want to make for the week, but it's never set in stone.

I want to start planning better, though, so we don't waste as much food.

Maddie Dean Photography said...

I often sit down and try to plan a weekly menu, generally 2 weeks at a time. But life always gets in the way. Even if I do happen to get it planned out, I'm not always able to follow it.

Maddie Dean Photography said...

I subscribed. Looking forward to regularly reading your blog!

Christy said...

i often menu plan. some weeks i just get too busy but this service sounds great. i struggle with finding new things and i'm trying to cook healthier for my family...

Unknown said...

I sit down every week and make my menus, i love doing it!

ABCD Diaries said...

we do 3-4 weeks at a time, but this service sounds really helpful for when we get stuck:) thanks!

punkinmama said...

I don't make a weekly meal plan yet... but I have been considering it... this would be a huge help! Thanks!

one frugal lady said...

Sweet! NO, right now, I don't have menu planning... I usually am the type that pulls something together at the last minute! This would be awesome, and would eliminate tons of stress! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I do have a weekly plan but it tends to be rather boring. Same old same old. I sort of rotate on a two month basis and on occasion add something new in but I am really getting tired of the same things and so are the kids. Please enter me.

Homeschooling mom of 6

Anonymous said...

and I subbed.

Homeschooling mom of 6

Julie said...

I make a meal plan about 50% of the time. I'm working on getting better!

Jennifer Beaver said...

As a teacher, mother of a twelve year old, and 8 months pregnant, I sit down and plan when I have time. I always try to think it out in my head before I hit the grocery store, but that usually results in having the same dinners over and over...boring! I'd love to use this service especially since I'll have a new addition soon!

Anonymous said...

I try to menu plan but don't always have the time to do so.

the blubaughs said...

I have been telling my husband forever that we need to plan weekly meals so that I can avoid the dreaded 6 p.m. trip to the grocery store after a long day of work and with two tired kids under the age of 2, but we are still disorganized. This would be a great prize for my family!

calabaza said...

I didn't meal plan before I had a baby, but now with daycare and work and all of that, we meal-plan via email thorughout the week and go grocery shopping as a family on Saturday afternoons. Saturday night and Sunday night we make big meals to have as leftovers all week witha few new sides to change things up.

Anonymous said...

I have been trying to sit down and make a meal plan! But, its a task I havent been able to take on YET! LOL..

divaqueenie said...

I do sit down and plan AT LEAST a week's worth of meals, and I HATE this chore. I love the idea of Relish...I'm gonna check it out! Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

I am the worst at this. I try to plan, but usually end up at the store with a list of things we are out of and no idea what to make for dinner. I would LOVE to win this!!!

Anastasia said...

I try to plan. Mostly i have a rotating list of meals i can make with what i have in the fridge and cupboards.

La Pixie said...

Ive never made a meal plan before... but this looks great!

Jodi said...

I am not very good at planning, I really try, but it only works for a few meals. However, I keep trying.


Anonymous said...

This is a fantastic idea. Right now there are only two of us, as we haven't started our family yet, but I do try to menu plan. Menu planning saves money in two ways: we don't eat out as much (if I know I have something thawing in the fridge already) and we don't go crazy in the grocery store because I have a list of what I need for recipes only. It really isn't my favorite thing to do because it takes too much time to do sometimes.

Jennifer said...

I don't usually meal plan, but I really need to start!


Erika said...

I have tried to make a meal plan, but then it seems that something comes up and I have to change what I have planned. Would love tips on how to stick with the plan you have and for recipes for easy to prepare healthy meals

Anonymous said...

I am not a good meal planner, ok I must admit I've never really tried meal planning. We probably live your vision of "hell on Earth" all too often here. Well only one of us (myself or my husband) will go to the store because no way are we toting 4 kids to the grocery store! So I'd like to try this out and see if it could help us.

daytoncat said...

No, we don't meal plan at our house. I wouldn't even really know where or how to start! My hubby and I play the game of "What's for dinner? What do we have in the freezer?" just about every day!


malleycc said...

I don't write down usually I just look at whats on sale and on the fly decide what goes with it. I would love to be more organized.

Unknown said...

I don't menu plan but want to start with the hopes that it will cut back on the fast food. Help! This sounds great.

Jayne said...

I try and plan ahead, but I never seem to be able to remember to bring my list or what magazine I found the recipe in. My husband and I don't get home from work until 7:00pm so 30 minute meal preps are a must! It would be nice to make it a no-brainer :)

Courtney said...

every week without fail, I want to plan the meals for the week. and every week without fail, I plan one maybe two dinners. I NEED to win this!!!

great giveaway!

Diane said...

Awesome giveaway thanks for the chance to win! I do try to menu plan around sales!

Jill Watkins said...

Meal plan? Are you crazy? I am the one wandering the market at 500p saying "what can I make tonight that my kids arent sick of!".

Ticopi said...

I honestly try to meal plan, but my schedule is so hectic I rarely do. Usually I have at least 1 meal a week that I have planned and shopped specifically for, though.

Ticopi said...

Also, I am subscribed!

Mia J. said...

I could so use this. I don't sit down to make a meal plan. this makes for some not very exciting meals of the same old thing. Thanks for the chance to win this great prize.

goin-crazy said...

I am terrible at meal-planning. I feel crunched for time already and spending an extra hour each week trying to plan meals seems impossible. I usually keep staples in my house so I can always whip up something but I could definitely do better

Anonymous said...

ALWAYS. Our budget demands it, and it's more relaxing for me, too. I like knowing what we're having, and having all the ingredients int eh house. Stress free at 4 pm.

kujoko (at ) att (d0t) net

michelle said...

I used to have an 8 week meal plan, but somewhere along the line, I fell off the wagon. With a new baby due here in about 6 weeks, I really need to get the meal situation under control.

michelle at northofthe49 dot com

Ashley said...

I meal plan every week. I find that it saves us money and also makes sure we have something to eat every night.

Heather said...

I would love to win this! Trying to get better at planning. I'll do great for a few weeks and then bomb.

Paula Reece said...

I so need to meal plan, but I rarely accomplish it. I will definitely go check out Relish (even if I don't win) because it looks like it could solve much of my problems! Thanks for the great opportunity to win!!

megabrooke said...

i dont sit down to make a meal plan... but i SHOULD!

Beverly said...

It was my new year resolution to menu plan. I've done great so far, and have saved money doing so.

mah-meeee said...

oh yeah... i totally need this service! i can't get myself organized enough to menu plan... and i know hell on earth when i tow the kids to the store trying to figure out what to make for dinner!

Amy said...

I would love to make a weekly meal plan, but right now I'm living with my sister's family, so I let her do the planning! :)

Anonymous said...

I just recently have started meal planning and am still trying to learn how to do it realistically. I am needing some help. I get overwhelmed when it comes to buying the right ingredients for the meals. I

Anonymous said...

I just started meal planning this year, as we have a 1 yr old who is now eating dinner with us and mandating that we be organized to have dinner on the table by 5:30pm everynight!

I subscribed to your site in my feedreeder too.

PS said...

I used to, but for whatever reason just stopped! I'd love to again, but I'm so uncreative some times!

Anonymous said...

I do sit down and plan meals on a weekly basis. Although I don't do it at exactly the same day every week. Depending on the amount of leftovers we have, sometimes I can go 2 weeks before I plan meals again. Thanks for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

My husband does the cooking and we usually plan bi monthly meals and buys tons of food. We really need a "tune up" as our meals are the same each week. A variety would be WONDERFUL!!!

Anonymous said...

I sit down and make my meal plan 5 minutes before running out to the grocery- LOL. Not much planning goes on.

Anonymous said...

We half-heartedly plan, but most of the time, we have no idea what we're doing for supper or need to run out and buy a forgotten ingredient. This sounds like an awesome service. :)


Becky said...

You know I wish I sat down weekly and made a plan, but I've been more of a fly by the seat of my pants kinda person for so long..I want to try the whole menu thing though,.

Vanessa said...

This is awesome! I sit down once a week with my recipe box, pencil and paper to plan lunch and dinners for our family and it is NOT my favorite part of the day!

Gretel said...

I try to make regular meal plans. Some times they work, some times they dont. Due to my husbands health issues, I have started again and hopefully it will work!

Vanessa said...

I'm already a subscriber (since the blog party), using google reader. Does that count?

Momnerd said...

I actually just sat down and did it for the first time last week. It worked out really well. I need to do it today for this week if I take time off from giveaways. ;)

Lindsey said...

What a great idea! I love it. I try to make meal plans, but it doesn't always work.

Unknown said...

i don't and i desperately need to. would love to win this to help w/ that.

Stacey said...

Right now I do not sit down to do meal planning but I really wish I did. Then maybe I wouldn't be so panicked when the clock hits 5pm and I have no idea what we're going to have for dinner!

Mommyhood is Thankless said...

I try to but I never get around to it before we desperately need food.


Mommyhood is Thankless said...

I tweeted:


rockle said...

I try to meal plan, I really do. Or, at the very least, I try to come up with an "attack plan" for when we go to the store. Because nothing is worse than standing in the Little Debbie snack cake aisle at 11:00 on a Sunday with a toddler just about ready for a nap and a husband who ate the last frozen waffle that morning. Plus, hubby can't really cook, so I have to come up with things that he can make that are better than "macaroni and cheese." Doesn't always work, but we try really hard.

LiveLaughLoveCj said...

I don't regularly plan my meals in advance, I know I should, but I don't. Your right about 5pm at the grocery store, with teenagers calling me every 5 minutes asking "What's for dinner?"

I really need to do better in this particular area of my life.

Anonymous said...

i currently do not make weekly plans, but id like to start trying

Shannon said...

I have been meal planning for two years and while I love the benefits I hate the work involved for my picky eaters, what an awesome service and giveaway~!!!

tammyduc7 said...

I try to be a good girl but I only sporadically do menu planning for any length of time.Otherwise,I attempt to be somewhat organized and think of my plans in the morning since I often have to cook 3 times a day for my big family.Thanks for the chance to win !

Laura said...

I don't make an official meal plan. I shop according to the adds and make whatever I can with that.

Giulianna @ Family Blueprint said...

Yes, I often make a meal plan. My question for you, does the Relish site meet budgets?

A lot of what I make is to keep our budget working. For instance, I will buy a roast discounted from Sam's Club, throw it in the crock pot with seasonings. Then it will make 3 different meals for us. Like the first night I made Beef Chunks with Noodles in Stroganoff sauce. A few days later I take a chunk of the cooked roast out of the freezer and make shredded beef burritos, etc.

Anonymous said...

I do plan meals every week.....but I HATE it :) This would definitely be a really handy tool!


Ashlm85 (at) aol (dot) com

Rebecca said...

I don't make a meal plan but I really should - it would make life a lot easier!

Crunchy Green Mom - Suzanne said...

I am a single mom of six kids, I am home most nights, and the other nights they are with their dad. So yes.. I plan everything.

I do a lot of crockpot meals and that keeps costs down, and it's wonderful for my sanity!


meddlingkidd said...

I get motivated to do menu plans, I do them for a while then I tend to stop for a while till I get motivated again LoL! To have a whole year of menu planning done for me would be wonderful :)! Thanks for the chance to win!

meddlingkidd [at]


I do a meal plan , but on a biweekly basis. This sounds like a much more organized way of doing that.

Leigh said...

I have made a menu plan the last two weeks and life is definitely simpler.

Anonymous said...

I don't plan meals, but I really wish I would! It seems like it would be so much easier than to stare at the cupboards wondering what to make, haha.


Leigh said...

I subscribed.

TeachinAuntie said...

I'd love to win this & get in the habit of making meal plans. Right now, I don't make a meal plan, even though I know I should! Thanks for a great giveaway!

Ilissa said...

Generally, I have an idea in my head of what I'll be making for the week but I don't write it down. I have tried in the past but it has never worked all that well.

Sara said...

I know that I should sit and make a meal plan for the week in the long run I know that it would save me tons of time but I just am not good at coming up with ideas and so I wait till the last minute and its time to make dinner. Thank you so much for entering me.
seewhatisgood at

Heather said...

Yes, I sit down on Saturday nights and plan my weekly menus.

Andrea Clifton said...

I try to sit down and plan out our weekly meals. I find it very hard to think of new things and am kind of stuck in a rut.

April said...

Yes I menu plan every week. I sit down Sunday morning and plan out the week and then go to Publix.

Amanda said...

We meal plan in this house, though I am not always the one to do it. One of my daughters usually works out what we will eat for the week.

Cmerie said...

I do a weekly plan on Fridays and go shopping on Saturdays. I would love this!

Andrea Clifton said...

I twittered.

Spookygirl said...

I do sit and make a weekly plan. Now as far as sticking to it, I am not as good about that ;0)

Tes283 said...

I plan as I go. What do you want for dinner, I have....and left-overs.
I also have a few months ago learned i am gluten-intolerant, so I need to start planning or I could get sick. Thank you for the chance to make my life better.

Spookygirl said...

I twittered

kristin said...

i meal plan about one week out of every four... and that week ALWAYS goes better. :) I should always do it.

Valeen said...

I try to do a weekly meal plan, but I'm usually flying by the seat of my pants and don't get it done. This sounds like something I could really use! Especially with a shopping list included! Thanks!

Sarah said...

I'm really not good at menu-planning, and that's something I really need to work on. I spend too much time every day trying to figure out what's for dinner and it's time I just don't have to spare.

crystal said...

I have always had the desire to do a weekly meal plan, but it has never happened. This would help me out a lot!

Unknown said...

I don't. It sounds like such a great idea but I seem to go over the top and elaborate when I plan things out and then it ends up costing more. I do mentally think about what we will have for the next few days so there is some planning ahead.

Ashley said...

No I don't schedule our meals. Sometimes I try to be good but it just never ends up happening. I would love to have a service like this that would help me!! Great Giveaway!

Emily said...

Yep, I meal plan every week before we get groceries. Thanks!

kristina e said...

no i do not schedule meals, life seems to be too busy to get time to do that ugh

Teri said...

Awesome! I do meal plan (most of the time) and it makes my life so easy. I enjoy knowing that my hubby & I will be eating healthy meals instead of last-minute hamburger helper!! What a great contest!

nicolehrb said...

No i do not sit down and schedule meals. Usually it is a last minute decision

The Bells said...

Nope. Guilty. I DO NOT menu plan. I wish I did. I really do. I really really really do. Bad mommy. :)

Thanks for the giveaway!!



Anonymous said...

No but I feel gulty not doing so. I should.

Momtothreebabies said...

I menu plan every monday. With three kids under age 7, one income and a stay at home mommy, we cant afford not to. I totally feel like i make the same meals over and over though!! this would be so wonderful!!!
Have a wonderful day!
check out my blog for my giveaway,
im giving away bath and body works stuff!!

taysmommy said...

nope I sure as heck don't but its always been on my list of things I wanna do :)

Nicol said...

I used to do great at planning meals, but since my move I can't seem to get into the groove. This would be a HUGE blessing and I'm sure it would help me get back into the swing of things (and probably save some money at the grocery store!)
nicolmontero at gmail dot com

Brooke said...

This would be a dream come true!
I only soemtimes plan ahead and it's really hard when you don't plan husband is always saying plan ahead hun it would be easier!

I'm crossing my fingers!


Brooke said...

I subscribed via my google reader! YAY!

Kristina said...

I am so bad at menu planning so I rarely do it. Thanks!

cvdmvega said...

I do plan my meals but we are on a limited budget so I am always interested in other options...Thank you for offering this.
Carol Jo

Anonymous said...

I go back and forth between menu planning and not, but it definitely is better when I do plan the weekly menu ahead of time!


Anonymous said...

I sit down each week and plan, but I'm usually uninspired and it takes me way too long. It's my least favorite chore for sure, I would love not to have to do it anymore!

mslorence gmail com

Unknown said...

I don't make a meal plan...although I have thought about it...just never really sat down to do it!

Reva Skie said...

I don't sit down and do a formal plan but I have a rough idea in my head. Lots of times nothing sounds good to me so I will offer a choice to my husband and let him decide what we are eating that night.

Jennifer said...

I don't really have time to make a detailed meal plan, but I do have a list of all the meals that I like to make and I make my grocery list according to what I'm in the mood for. I wish I could plan them out though, things would be so much easier.

Melissa said...

I do make a weekly plan, I don't think dinner would get made around my house without it. =)

Nicole said...

We plan 1 beef, 1 chicken, 1 vegetarian, 1 quick meal and 1 slow cooker meal every week.

~ Doreen said...

I do meal plan for the week ahead in order to come up with the grocery list, but it's not up there on my list of things I enjoy :-)

Melissa said...

I try to make a weekly plan, but it changes every week, my husband and I eat out more than we should!

Girl Fisher said...

I began meal planning when I got married and my pantry was full of stuff we didn't eat; and I kept buying more food! Meal planning helped end the vicious cycle!

§wanny said...

most of the time I do except when I get lazy and don't. I really do not like menu planning but it is a must in order to save money at the store

Lara said...

I generally intend to make a weekly plan but almost never actually do it. This sounds like a great idea!

Piper Paradise said...

I try to menu plan but by midweek it seems to be tossed aside : -)

Piper Paradise said...

Oh and I am a subscriber!!!

Earthtokarmen said...

I plan a month of meals but don't assign days... some a five minutes, some are more involved so my evening can direct me to a meal on my meal plan.

~Sandy~ said...

I do not sit down and do a weekly meal plan. My planning takes place on my lunch break from work, while i run down the aisle's at the grocery store trying to think of meals for the family. I think I need a new game plan....this giveaway would be wonderful Thanks!!!

Kauseks said...

i dont plan ahead its hard to do so

Donna M. Clark said...

I do not sit down and regularly plan weekly meals, although I know it would be so much better fr me to do it. I just don't have the time.

Mer said...

I do meal plans every now and then, but I usually just keep a list by the fridge of meal suggestions and things I need to use up (this has led to some interesting combinations!). So I could really use some help meal planning! Thanks for the great giveaway!

bkh61959 said...

I guess now that I am a little older and my kids are gone, I don't do this anymore, but you sound just like my daughter, your thoughts on going to the store with kids in tow, I seen at her house on fridge, her weekly meal plan, and I thought she is more like me than she would like to admit. Thanks for a great giveaway

Anonymous said...

I have started making my husband sit down with me on Sat/Sun and we take turns thinking of meals - I got tired of the ones that I was thinking of - this service sounds like heaven!

Jackie said...

I don't regularlymeal plan, but I do take inventory of our food from time to time and come of with meals from that!

Anonymous said...

I do more of a monthly meal plan than a weekly one. This would be FANTASTIC!

Angie said...

right now i plan weekly... i have heard it is better to do it for a longer period of time but i don't know how

Chantelle said...

I try to plan my weekly meals though it doesnt always work out because it does take so long to do lol! Thanks so much for the giveaway!

chantellesabino at mac dot com

Amanda said...

I do and it is so not fun.

Meghann said...

I have good intentions to meal-plan every week, but I work in the evenings so it's difficult to plan meals that I'm not home to cook. When I do meal-planning, I try and pick recipes that are easy enough for my husband to follow, but this service would really help our family out!!

Karen said...

I used to be good about planning my meals for two weeks at a time and it worked so well for our family. I got out of the habit and have been regretting it. I heard about Relish! at the MOPS convention and would love to give it a try!

Unknown said...

I don't offically menu plan. I go through the freezer and pantry once or twice a week and come up with some dinner ideas for the week. But its not written in stone. I do find I really cut down on my shopping though b/c I try to make do with what we have already.

Meghann said...

I subscribed. Thanks!

Unknown said...

subscribed via google reader

mrstolli said...

I sit down at the end of each month and plan out the month's menu. Then, I check back over it every week or so to make changes if things come up. This would help out so much. Thanks!

Elizabeth said...

I usually plan our meals one week at a time, but lately I've been lazy. Maybe relish can help!

Elizabeth said...

I just subscribed via google reader. I'm looking forward to reading more!

annies home said...

Yes i do make a weekly menu plan and sometimes find it hard to do if run out of time that is why I love your giveaway

annies home said...

I used your share button and twittered about the giveaway my twitter name is shopannies

annies home said...

subscribed through reader

sandyy456 said...

I plan my meals for two weeks before I go to the grocery store. I don't plan what will be eaten each night, but I come up with 14 dinners before heading to the store.

Hélène said...

No, I don't. Every time I try I always end up crying because my husband is so picky I can never think of anything both of us like that is actually healthy.

Unknown said...

I don't make a weekly plan but I do try to think about what I am going to make a couple of days before I make it.

Unknown said...

I subscribe.

Tammi @ My Organized Chaos said...

No, sadly I don't do this. But I have been meaning to! With a busy life of one preschooler and twin babies - I think I need to!!!

Melissa said...

I haven't been meal-planning so far, but am definitely trying to convince myself to start doing so...a year of recipes, etc. would definitely "kick start" me, I think! :)

Homemaker said...

No, I don't, but I should because it would be less stress and so much easier. That way I can shop for everything I need in one visit instead of running to the grocery store every other day because I need something for dinner. I usually start to plan the night before that way I take out any meat that needs to be defrosted and then the next morning I figure out what I will make for sides with the meat. This service would be a huge help in our household.

A family of boys said...

I have been trying to sit down and meal plan. I'm getting better, but I'd love to have the options from Relish. it sounds like a great product!

Marsha said...

I don't always meal plan for the week. But when I do it is a lot easier than trying to come up with some idea before everyone gets home.

Moriah @ Please Pass the Salt said...

I do... not always disciplined about it though. :)

Anonymous said...

Ooh, sometimes I do, and sometimes I don't, but my weeks are sooooo much easier on me when I do!

Crystal Sixberry said...

I don't meal plan now, though I nknow I should it would make my life easier I am just not disciplined enough to use my time wisely, even if it would save time and money in the end. This would be awesome!

Allison said...

I don't usually meal plan at this point in my life; however, I find that when I don't, I always gain weight!

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