Sunday, May 24, 2009

More Thrifty Finds

So, I fall off the face of the earth for a while and come back only to have another post about yard sales.

I'm sorry.

I just couldn't help myself.

I'm addicted.

Check out what I found this week:

I have been pining for a yellow purse for a long while now. It just seemed like such a frivolous investment. But, at $5, this Nine West purse fits the bill perfectly. I love it!

I found this little table lamp for $2. I'm on the fence about whether or not to paint it. It's perfect at night, though. It lights up a dark part of our hallway with the warmest glow.

While this bird cage isn't as elaborate as the one she found last week (which I fell in love with, btw), it's still adorable. And for $1, how could you go wrong?

This little canister set me back 50 cents. I'm using it on the counter in my revamped bathroom. Later that day I stumbled across a set of three of these canisters that retailed for $42!

But, my top find of the day was more wicker for my porch.

Y'all remember the wicker settee that I picked up and repainted for one side of the porch? Well, the other side of the porch needed some seating, as well. Imagine my delight when I walk up to this yard sale and spot this (sans cushion).

It even had a match, but another woman was laying claim to that one. So, I asked how much the seller wanted for one. When she said $5, I nearly choked. The wicker is sturdy and substantial. It was a steal at $5. I would have loved two of them, though.

So, I walked around the sale a little more and guess what comes out of the house -- another one of the wicker chairs! The seller sees me staring in disbelief and asks if I want it. Are you kidding?! $10 for the pair. The steal of the century.

I don't even think I need to paint these. I love the rustic finish.

Two matching cushions from Home Depot made them good to go.

Now, go see the treasures everyone else discovered this week over at Southern Hospitality.


Anonymous said...

I think the purse is great. There is nothing better than arriving at a yard sale and finding something you have had on your wish list. Incredible! And, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your wicker chairs. What a steal! You are right - they are perfect the way they are.

Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality said...

You got some GREAT deals! Love the purse & the birdcage AND the wicker is a real deal. Girl, you lucked out on that. I love those pieces, enjoy them!

Bamawhitney said...

Awesome finds! Love the wicker and the purse! Great stuff!!!

Cindy said...

Are you a lucky duck with the wicker or what!?

Anonymous said...

You found some really cute things. Love the little purse.

The Tattered Cottage said...

What a deal on those wicker chairs!!! Love the purse and birdcage too.

Christina said...

I would have almost choked too. That is a great deal for the wicker.

What a wonderful bird cage too. You really found some great things. Wow!

Scooterblu's Whimsy~Rhonda said...

Wow! You have scored some great treasures here! I can't pick a favorite, they are all wonderful! ~Rhonda :)

Arlene said...

Oh my goodness! I love the little bird cage. I like the lamp base the color it is. I would take some cute fabric and cover the shade. The wicker chairs are awesome. Well done!!

Linda (Nina's Nest) said...

Michelle, I can't believe all the goodies you got....I love the bird cage, shoes and corks - how fun! But the wicker - holy cow! What a deal! Well done! Oh, I'm going to email you about the bloggy type question I had. Thanks! Linda

Linda (Nina's Nest) said...

Oops, Michelle, one more thing...I have a lamp almost exactly like your lamp and bought it already painted black. The curves of the iron work really pop in the black. It's pretty both ways, but more dramatic black. Linda

Terry said...

I can;t believe you got the wicker chairs for $5! Talk about a bargain! I bet your still smiling over you good fortune!

Frugal Jen said...

You found some great finds!

Jessica Morris said...

super cute purse! That is adorable! I haven't had any luck finding purses at yard sales - they all have lipstick or candy stains inside or are torn up on the outside!!

The bird cage is AMAZING! It made my heart pitter patter a bit :)

The Tattered Cottage said...

Just was over at Nina's Nest and she was asking about "meme" and striking through words in your text. You left a comment that you knew how to do that, could you email me and show me also :)
Do you know how to label over photos?
Thanks, Toni

KarenB said...

Wow, I think I'm loving your finds the best! Those chairs are fabulous! I bet she regrets selling them. And you purse is great. Sometimes you just need a purse of a certain color, doesn't need to be expensive. I had a "need" for a red patent leather purse and saw one for $240 that was gorgeous. Then I decided all I really wanted was the red and shiny part. So, I found one on e-bay for $25.00. Your yellow purse is very, very cute.

Jackie said...

Oh my goodness! I love your purse. I too have been looking for a yellow one. They are so trendy right now. Excellent deal on the chairs! I heart yard sales!

Caro said...

*O*M*G* girl!! You had THE best deals of the week!! I cant believe those prices, whoa!!

AndreaLeigh said...

wow - i love the wicker chairs! amazing!

the pleasures of homemaking said...

You got great deals on those wicker chairs! The purse is great and the birdcage is cute (I have one too)!


Miss G said...

wow! you did good! That birdcage is adorable and the chairs are such a neat blessing! Kelly (I came over from Rhoda's.)

mah-meeee said...

love them! and welcome back!

Christina Lee said...

wow if only I could find wicker furniture like that-we need it! I so love the bird cage!

the undomesticated wife said...

I hate to say it, but I hate you. That wicker is some of the best scores I've ever seen for garage sales! I found a wicker chair at the Goodwill one time for $10 and thought that was good, but no, yours is much better!!

Lizz @ Yes, and So is My Heart said...

Wow, wow, wow! You did awesome.

Musings of a Housewife said...

That purse is SO SO SO CUTE!

Stephanie said...

I'm impressed by your finds - especially that yellow purse! Do you go to yard sales every weekend?

Lauren said...

These kind of wonderful finds make my heart sing!

Irich photography said...

Good post